Seasonal winds in India
The layout ancient Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa used in designing their cities
grid pattern
The "main god" of Hinduism
Siddhartha Gautama
To act in a peaceful way without fighting
Name one physical feature of ancient
Thar Desert, Mt. Everest, Tibetan Plateau, Hindu Kush, Western and Eastern Ghats
Most Indus Valley homes had at least one of these
rebirth of the soul
The meaning of Buddha
Enlightened One
India once was a colony that belonged to this country
Name one effect of a monsoon on the ancient Indians
floods, droughts, loss of food, loss of life, loss of homes, etc.
Name the two civilizations in the Indus Valley
Harappa and Mohenjo Daro
Which caste would commoners, peasants, and laborers belong to?
Buddha believed that to eliminate suffering, you must eliminate your
Name at least one group that Gandhi was fighting against.
South Africans, British, Islamic/Hindu Extremists
Name ALL three of the important rivers in India (spelling) does not count
Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra
The two major religions to come out of the Indus Valley
Hinduism and Buddhism
Which caste would Kings and Warriors belong?
Reaching a state of perfect peace or ending the cycle of rebirth
The march that Gandhi led to the coast to fight against the British
The Salt March
The world's tallest mountain located in Nepal
Mt. Everest
Why we know little about the Harappans
lack of written records/not translated
Release from the cycle of rebirth in Hinduism
Buddha believed that to eliminate suffering and desires you need to follow this path
Eightfold Path
What does Mahatma mean?
Great Soul