True or False: Does the word represents mean to stand for or to be a symbol for something?
The ________ Mountains would have snow melt and flood the valley.
Himalayan Mountains
Why did people in China nicknamed the Yellow River as "The Mother River" and "China's Great Sorrow"?
The flooding waters helped create fertile land for crops but it could also destroy cities.
What religion do Hindus belong to?
______ is an important holiday in Hinduism.
Diwali - The Festival of Lights.
Celebrates good triumph over evil and the good in people.
True or False: The source of a river is the end of the river?
False, it is the start of the river.
The Indus River and the ________ River were important for the development of civilization in ancient India.
Ganges River
Fertile soil from the flooding waters of Yangtze River and climate conditions are perfect for growing what crop?
What religion do Buddhist belong to?
How long does Diwali last - 3 days, 5 days, or 7 days?
5 days
True or False: If something is an unjust punishment, does that mean it is fair?
False, it means that it is not fair.
Hinduism and __________ are two religions that started in India and they are practiced by millions of people in the world today.
I am a Chinese contribution that you can write on, and I was created by a man named Cai Lun.
What am I?
Paper - the system of writing is called calligraphy
Siddhartha Gautama was a wealthy prince who wanted to learn how to end suffering for all people.
Who did he eventually become?
The Buddha - after studying, exploring, and meditating he became "the Enlightened One".
Hindus use many types of _________ to celebrate Diwali.
a. lights or b. animals
Lights - oil lamps called diyas, candles, electric lights, sparklers
If something is considered durable, does that mean it will break easily?
No, it means that it will not easily fall apart and that it will last.
People in ancient India built irrigation __________ to help control the flooding waters.
canals - this helped with farming and saving their buildings from being destroyed.
I am a light, strong fabric made from cocoons.
What am I?
This emperor originally wanted to set out to conquer other lands but switched to the teaching of the Buddha and started helping people instead.
Ashoka the Great - emperor of India
He taught others about Buddhism, gave food and medicine to help people, he also built hospitals.
What is another name for the celebration of Chinese New Year?
Lunar New Year - follows the Lunar Calendar and the cycles of the moon
The baker was eager to take one of his cookies, does that mean that he can't wait to eat one of them?
Yes, that means he really wants them to come out of the oven so he can eat them.
Why was the Ganges River considered a sacred place to Hindus?
They believe it is the earth home of Ganga, a Hindu river goddess.
The ______________ was built as a defense against outsiders and enemies.
Great Wall of China
This Chinese leader helped his students to learn how to live life in a more peaceful way.
What was his name?
Confucius - "treat others the way you want to be treated"
What mythical creature is believed to bring good luck and banish evil?
The Dragon