The middle class level, These were merchants, craft people and landowners
Unlike all other major religions we studied, this religion does not have one of these.
A Founder
Siddhartha Gautama was a prince in India before he became known as this?
"The Buddha"
The rebirth of the soul is known as
The 2 main rivers in India are
The Indus and The Ganges
In order to reach enlightenment, The Buddha did this under a Bodhi tree for several weeks
The single spiritual power that Hindus believe lives in everything is called _________________
The lowest level, outside of the caste. Sometimes called untouchables . The unclean work was left to this class of people
This is the Hindu belief of non-violence
In Buddhism, followers do not achieve Moksha. Instead if they find enlightenment, it is known as this?
The idea that the soul carries the effects of good or bad past deeds
The main mountain range that borders the northern part of India
The Himalayas
The Indian social class system is known as this
Caste System
The sacred writings of Hinduism are known as
The highest class, these people were priests and intellectuals.
If a Hindu lives a good life, what will happen when they die?
They will move up to the next Caste
All life is suffering, There is a cause to suffering, there is an end to suffering and in order to end suffering, you must follow the Buddhist Dharma. These are known as_______________
The four noble truths
Living your life according to either the Caste you belong to or following the Buddhist way is known as your ___________
These "winds" are either summer or Winter winds that bring cool dry air or warm moist air
Monsoon winds
The steps Buddhists follow to live the Middle Way.
The eightfold path
Siddharta's followers called him Buddha which means _____________
Enlightened One
The lowest class in the Caste system. These were the peasants, servants and laborers. Also included anyone that was non-Aryan
Sudras (Shudras)
What is it called when a Hindu reaches the ultimate goal of living good lives?
Living a life as a Buddhist means following this way of life
The Eightfold Path
Hinduism calls this Ahimsa, Buddhism lists it as one of it's 5 precepts, the belief in ___________________
India is a large land mass that juts out into the ocean. It is known as a
Each class, or Varna, has its own ________________, or religious duties of Hindus.
The sacred writings of Buddhism are called
The Tripitaka
The upper class level that included warriors and kings.
Kshatriyas (Shatriyas)
If a person performs their ___________, they will have good ________ and achieve _________
Dharma, Karma, Moksha
If you follow the Eightfold path, it means your in between desire and self-denial. This is known as the _____________________
middle path
The life, death and rebirth of the soul is known as reincarnation or this term
The first civilization in the Indus-river valley was known as
The Harrapan civilization
The Buddha encouraged his followers to become ___________________and spread their beliefs to others
Today over 900 million people practice which religion?