The belief in many Gods.
This prince founded Buddhism.
Siddhartha Guatama
The two most important rivers of ancient Indian civilization
Indus River and Ganges Rivers.
A kingdom or dynasty which becomes very powerful and controls vast areas of land well-beyond its borders.
an Empire
The cycle of birth, life, death & rebirth.
All human suffering is caused by this.
the "desire" for things
The summer and winter winds which bring rains to the Indian sub-continent.
He was the founder of the Mauryan Empire and a harsh ruler.
Chandragupta Maurya
The highest spiritual level a Hindu can attain when one's soul joins with the universal spirit or "force."
The word "Buddha" means this.
"Enlightened One"
The two well-planned Indus valley cities built in a grid-like design.
Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
The grandson of Chandragupta, he became the greatest ruler of the Mauryan Dynasty, but rejected violence after the Battle of Kalinga.
The collection of epic poems, hymns, prayers and songs of the Hindu faith.
the Vedas
The highest level of the Buddhist religion an individual can attain.
The highest mountains in the world which are located to the north of the Indian sub-continent.
the Himalayas Mountains
These strict laws governing the Mauryan Dynasty were displayed throughout his empire.
Ashoka's Pillars
All Hindus must engage in proper behavior which will result in positive energy.
dahrma and karma
Good Buddhists must practice these (#) steps.
the 8-fold path.
This pass is located in northwestern India and was used for entry into the Indus River valley by the Aryan peoples.
the Khyber Pass
The concept of zero, a vaccine for smallpox, plastic surgery, and other achievements ushered in a "Golden Age" for this Empire.
accomplishments of the Gupta Empire