What were the role of prohets in ancient Israel?
Prophets would spread the word of God to the other ancient Israelites.
The freeing of Israelites from slavery in Egypt is known as the ....
What are foods that Jewish people eat called?
What book is associated with the Ancient Israelites?
The Hebrew Bible
What religion did the Israelites worship?
Originally, who did God tell to move to Canaan, or the Promised Land?
When Israel split up into two lands, what were the two areas called?
Israel and Judae/Judah.
Abraham had a son and a grandson. What were their names?
Isaac and Jacob.
Explain the story of David vs. Goliath.
David was an ancient Israelite and David was a giant from Phillistine. The two would fight a battle with one another. David was armed with sword, shield, and armor while David only had a slingshot and stones. David faced the great challenge, hitting him in the head with a stone and killing him.
What did Moses receive at the top of Mt. Sinai?
The Ten Commandments
Which leader of the Israelites led them in early warfare?
The Babylonians forcing Jewish people to move from their own homeland was called what?
An agreement made with God is called a what?
Explain the Story of Noah's Ark.
Due to humans causing so much sin in the world, God decided to flood the Earth. He instructed Noah and his family to build an ark and hold 2 of every animal on it. The flood occurred and washed away the sin of people. (This is the very basic definition of this story)
What structure did early ancient Israelites use to worship?
Who was named the first King of Israel?
Other than the Promised Land, what was the territory of Ancient Israelites called?
Jewish people would meet at these places during their time in Babylon. Hint: They would meet their to worship and talk about their history.
Explain the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den.
Daniel was asked to worship Babylonian Gods. He chose not to, and continued to praise and believe in his own God. The Babylonians decided to throw Daniel into a lion's den. He continued his faith in God which helped save him from the wild animals.
What do Jewish people call the weekly time in which they worship. This time goes from Friday night to Sunday morning.
The Sabbath.
Jewish people living outside of their homeland is called what?
Who did the Israelites go to war with? They eventually lost part of their territory when they lost the war.
The Romans
What common meat was considered unclean, and therefore the Israelites would not eat it.
Explain the story of the Tower of Babel.
Humans were building a tower that could reach heaven. God did not want this as this is not the correct way to get to Heaven. God made humans speak different languages so they could not finish the tower.
Religious leaders of Ancient Israel are called what?
Rabbis (Not Rabies)