Which water source played a main role in Jericho’s success as a civilization?
The Ain es-Sultan spring
What type of houses did the people of Jericho build
Round mud-brick houses with domed roofs
When did Jericho become one of the first permanent settlements?
Around 9000 BCE
How did the people of Jericho keep records before writing was fully developed?
They used clay tokens.
What made Jericho a good place for people to settle?
The Ain es-Sultan spring provided a reliable water source.
What was the primary grain grown by the people of Jericho to support their population?
Why did people in Jericho build their houses in clusters with walls around them?
To prevent animals from entering their living spaces.
What shows that Jericho’s society became more organized around 8000 BCE?
The construction of a stone wall and a large tower around the settlement.
How did early forms of writing used in Jericho help the people organize their society?
Early writing helped people keep track of goods, manage resources, and support trade.
How did the natural environment of Jericho help its people transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled farming?
The Ain es-Sultan spring provided a steady water supply, allowing people to settle and grow crops.
How did the spring in Jericho help with farming?
It provided a good water supply that helped people grow crops all year round
How did the way houses were built in Jericho show that people were settling in one place?
Water, farming, and the need for protection helped establish the first cities.
How did the design of Jericho’s homes reflect a more settled way of life?
The clustered houses and walls show people were settling permanently instead of living a nomadic lifestyle.
How did the use of clay tablets in Jericho help preserve knowledge?
It helped record important information about trade and resources, allowing future generations to access it.
How did Jericho’s water supply help it transition from a nomadic society to an agricultural one?
The steady water supply allowed people to settle in one place and grow crops instead of constantly moving in search of food.
Why did people in Jericho domesticate animals?
To help with farming, traveling, clothing, and a steady food and milk source.
What purpose did the stone walls and tower built in Jericho serve?
They were built for protection, helping keep the community safe from outside threats.
What does the way people were buried in Jericho suggest about their society?
It shows that there were leaders or people with higher status because some were buried with special items like jewelry.
What did the development of early writing in Jericho show about the growth of the society?
It showed the move from simple living to more organized and complex communities.
How did water increase food production for the people of Jericho?
Irrigation allowed them to bring water to their fields, making it possible to grow more crops in a larger area.
What role did farming play in population growth and settlement patterns during this period?
Farming provided a stable food supply, allowing people to settle and grow their communities.
How did Jericho’s defensive walls and organized living spaces help the city grow?
The walls allowed people to stay in one place safely, supporting a larger population and stable community.
What methods did early rulers use to maintain control and unify diverse populations?
Early rulers used stories, religion, and strong defenses to unify and control their people.
What evidence exists to show the impact of early writing systems on the preservation of knowledge?
Early writing systems, like clay tablets, helped record and preserve important information.
How has the changing relationship between human beings and the physical and natural environment affected human life from early times to the present?
Humans used natural resources like water and land to build stable communities.