A river in Italy that created fertile farmland and was a source for fishing, transportation, and trade routes.
What is the Tiber River?
This most powerful governing branch controlled the finances, passed laws, and oversaw foreign affairs.
The ruling class of wealthy landowners and nobles.
Who are Patricians?
The Romans developed a ship that doprred a plank with a spiked tip. Rome defeated the Carthaginian navy and gained control of Sicily.
What was the First Punic War?
These people believed that true happiness in this life can be found if people are free from fear.
Who were the Epicureans?
The first settlers of the Italian peninsula who were seeking a place to settle that had fertile soil and a temperate climate.
Who were the Latins?
Two patricians served with equal authority in place of a king to manage the affairs of the government, command the Roman army, and serve as supreme judges.
Who were the Consuls?
The working class of farmers, traders, and craftsmen.
Who are the Plebeians?
What was the Second Punic War?
The triumvirate included Crassus, Pompey, and this man.
Who was Julius Caesar?
The culture that improved Italy by creating an alphabet, paving roads, building arches, draining marshes, and building sewage systems?
Who were the Etruscans?
Several of this type of group existed in the early republic with this group being the most powerful by voting on new laws, making declarations of war, nd electing members of another governing branch.
What was the Assembly of Centuries?
This social class was not given the right to vote, not allowed to hold public office, had few social privileges and were not allowed to marry a patrician?
After Carthage fought one of Rome's allies, Rome declared war on Carthage. After three years of battles, Rome captured and destroyed Carthage.
What was the Third Punic War?
These people believe that the goal of life is to give glory and praise to God.
Who are Christians?
Everyone could know what the laws were because they were recorded on tablets and displayed publicly. This prevented the plebeians from being at a disadvantage in winning court battels.
What were the Law of the Twelve Tables?
This was a period of peace that began under Octavian.
What was the Pax Romana?
When the Plebeians gained more power, these had to be written, so everyone could read them.
What are laws?
The empire was split in half by this man.
WHo was Diocletian?
These people believed that doing one's duty leads to happiness and that fate governs all things.
Who were the Stoics?
These were used to promote trade, exchange cultural ideas, and spread the gospel.
What were Roman Roads?
The power to reject a law.
What is veto power?
After more power was granted, the plebeians were allowed to be elected to this form of government.
What were the consuls?
The western part of the empire fell to Barbarians under this man's rule.
Who was Theodosius I?
This man preached at Pentecost and almost three thousand people repented of their sins and were baptized.
Who was Peter?