Why did the Latins first settle in the Italian Peninsula?
Looking for fertile soil and a climate good for farming
Wild: Peter preached here and almost 3000 people became Christians
name for the rulers of the Roman Republic - there were two and they had equal authority to manage the government and the army and act as judges
Which war? Romans developed a ship with a plank with a spiked tip that allowed the Romans to board the Carthaginian ships.
The triumvirate that formed after Rome's expansion and included Crassus, Pompey, and ??
Bonus: Who eventually became dictator?
Julius Caesar
Bonus: Julius Caesar
Used to promote trade, exchange cultural ideas, and spread gospel
Roman Road
What was the name of the island off the coast of Italy?
Name the 2 social classes of Rome
Bonus: Describe them
Plebian and Patrician
Bonus: Plebians are working class. Patricians are ruling wealthy landowners
Wild: True or False: Theodosius I divided the Roman empire and the western part fell to barbarians while the eastern half thrived for another 1000 years as the Byzantine Empire
Octavian and Mark Antony tried to share the power after Caesar's death, but it didn't work. Who became the ruler?
Bonus: What was the 200 year period of peace and prosperity started by this ruler called?
Bonus: Pax Romana
How did the Etruscans make life better for the Romans? List 3.
developed a writing system based on Greek alphabet, paved roads, built arches, drained marshes, improved sewage systems
What is the name of the North African city across the Mediterranean from Rome?
Plebians cannot vote or hold public office or marry patricians
Carthage picked a battle with Rome's ally. Rome attacked Carthage for 3 years and eventually captured and destroyed them.
Bonus: Did this make the Roman empire stronger or weaker?
Bonus: Weaker
Calendar based on Christ's birth and adds a day every four years in February
Wild: The name of the Roman law written on bronze tablets
Bronze: What was important about their location
Law of the 12 Tables
Bonus: the laws were written down and displayed publicly so everyone could know what they were and not be taken advantage of in court battles.
This was the most powerful governing branch of the Roman Republic and controlled finances, passed laws, and oversaw foreign affairs
Hannibal led his soldiers through the Alps to attack Rome, but returned to Carthage when Scipio attacked.
Which religion believed that true happiness in this life can be found if people are free from fear?
Bonus: Name the religion that believed that doing one's duty leads to happiness and that fate governs all things.
Bonus: Stoicism
Wild: List 5 concessions that the patricians made to the plebians.
Have their own assembly, given veto power, laws displayed publicly, could be elected as consuls, could marry patricians
How did the river and the sea contribute to the development of the Italian Peninsula?
The region by the river had fertile soil from flooding and supplied water for agriculture, fishing, transportation, and trade.
Several of these existed, but this one was the most powerful and voted on new laws, declared war, and elected the consuls
Bonus: name for the plebian's version of this
Assembly of Centuries
Bonus: Tribal Assemby
Compare and Contrast Carthage and Rome according to Polybius's view of them militarily.
Carthage: better military science, foreign mercenaries, difficult to repair army.
Rome: more disciplined army made of citizens fighting bravely for their home and country, easy to repair army
What problems arose from Rome's expansion after the Punic Wars?
Soldiers sold their ruined farms and moved to the city to look for work, but the jobs were taken by slaves. Plebians sold their votes to the patricians to get money to live off of, but this filled the government with only the rich. The government became corrupt and publicans would collect extra tax money and keep it.