Who is Romulus?
Romulus is said to have founded Rome
Define patrician and plebian
patrician - upper class ( landowners)
plebian - lower class (common farmers)
Define Civil War.
An armed conflict between groups within the same country.
Define aqueducts.
They built sewer and plumbing systems to improve sanitation.
Define Senate
The Senate was a powerful body of 300 members that advised Roman leaders. Most senators were patricians.
What continent is Rome in?
Define consul?
They commanded the army and directed the government for one year
Define Pax Romana.
A long period of peace and stability in the Roman Empire.
What religious beliefs did the Romans hold?
The Romans worshiped hundreds of spirits.
Define republic.
A republic is a government in which people elect their leaders.
What are the 2 mountain ranges in Rome? How was this different than Greece.
Alps and the Apennines
These mountains bordered Rome and acted as a protective barrier. In Greece the mountains prevented them from being united.
Who is Cincinnatus?
Was made dictator to defend Rome from attack. According to legend, he defeated the enemy and returned power to the consuls in sixteen days.
Who is Augustus? Why is he important?
Augustus was the first emperor of Rome. Augustus governed well. He brought the provinces under control and strengthened the empire’s defenses. He also began a civil service. Augustus also rebuilt and beautified Rome.
What was a woman's role in Ancient Rome?
Roman women were expected to run the household and take care of the children. But they also could inherit property, and they ran the family business when their husbands were away.
Why and how was Julius Caesar assassinated?
He was stabbed by the consul.
He was assassinated because he became too powerful and the consul thought he would take power from them.
What is a Peninsula?
How did this help Rome?
Peninsula- land surrounded by water on 3 sides
This helped Rome trade, travel and protect their territory
What happened during the Punic War?
Rome won each of the Punic Wars but almost lost the second. Hannibal, a general from Carthage, crossed the Alps with a herd of elephants and nearly captured Rome. Rome finally captured and destroyed Carthage. By the end of the wars, Roman territory extended from Spain to Greece.
What was the common currency used in Ancient Rome called?
How did the Roman government try to solve some of the problems of city life?
To distract Romans from the problems of city life, the government provided entertainment at large public arenas.
What was the result of Roman expansion?
They brought back great wealth but unemployment and poverty increased. The gap between rich and poor grew wider. This, in turn, produced more anger and tension between the classes.
In your own words tell the story of Romulus and Remus
They were abandoned by their mother but rescued by a wolf. When the twins grew up, they decided to found a city but fought over its location. Romulus killed his brother and traced Rome’s boundaries around the Palatine Hill.
What legal code did the Romans' use that was close to the Constitution of the United States?
How was it similar?
The 12 Tables
Both set forth individual rights and governmental powers.
What goods did Rome acquire that were not available at home?
grain, ivory, silk, spices, gold and silver, and even wild animals.
What influences helped form Roman religion?
The Etruscans and Greeks particularly affected Roman religion. The Romans adopted the Etruscan idea of gods in human form. They also adopted Etruscan rituals designed to predict the future. They also adopted Etruscan rituals designed to predict the future.
Why was discipline important to early Romans?
When soldiers went to war, they had to obey orders and do their jobs. This attitude would help Rome conquer all of Italy.