How old was Caesar when his father died and he had to lead his family?
What was the surface of the Colosseum floor covered in at the start of each day?
Go Easy on Me
What stringed instrument does Mr. Laughead know how to play?
Approximately how many people could the Colosseum hold? 40 thousand, 50 thousand, 70 thousand
70 thousand
Ed Sheeran
Which one of these high schools did Mr. Laughead attend? Lower Merion, Radnor, Conestoga
Lower Merion
What month of the year is named after Caesar?
The velarium was a crucial aspect of the Colosseum. What was the velarium?
Set of sails that kept heat and rain off the spectators.
We Don't Talk About Bruno
Which of these teachers did Mr. Laughead share a trailer with for multiple years? Mr. Koch, Mr. Frawley, Mrs. Mathews
True or False: Caesar was shot to death by his friends.
False - he was stabbed by men at the Senate
The hypogeum was a crucial aspect of the Colosseum. What was it used for?
System of tunnels used to transport gladiators and animals to get them ready for battle.
Taylor Swift
True or False: Mr. Laughead has two siblings.
False - he only has one brother.
Which Italian area did Caesar originally control? Venice, Gaul, Florence, Rome
Why was the west gate of the Colosseum called the "Gate of Death"?
Dead gladiators were carried through it
As It Was
Harry Styles
True or False: Mr. Laughead wears contact lenses every day.