How Tarquin the Proud became king
Killed Servius
Rome was founded as city for ________
Outlaws, refugees, outcasts, anyone, etc.
Res Publica
public property, property of the people, 2nd government of rome
Why Titus was shunned by his dad
The system Servius implemented into Rome
The five class system
First colony of Rome
Why Coriolanus was exiled
He threatened to withhold the grain from the plebs until the tribune office was removed
What happened to the old man in the forum
Former soldier, lost everything, became a slave
509 BC
Republic instituted in Rome
Who were the Salii?
Leaping priests of mars
"No woman will live ______ with ______ as her guide."
Unchaste, Lucretia
Camillus' nickname
The Second Romulus
Where the Plebians seceded to
Mons Sacer
Cursus Honorum: Definition and 4 things in it
the ladder to get to consul/government positions: quaestor, aedile, praetor, consul
What the 30 curiae were named after
Sabine women
Tarquin's dare to the augur
Cut a stone in half with a razor
What Brutus did to his sons and why
Executed them; they conspired to reform the monarchy
Titus' nickname
Torquatus: necklace wearer
The 3 triplets on the Roman side in their war against alba longa, the only surviving horatii killed all the curiatii along with killing his sister when he returned home
"Because your _______ was ______, your _________ will be ______." (spoken to Mettius Fufetius)
"Because your mind was torn in two, your body will be torn in two."
Servius' sign he would be king
Head on fire
Why Collatinus resigned
The Romans were scared of his name
2 of the 12 tables
Proceedings Preliminary to Trial, Trial Proceedings, Debt Law, Paternal Power, Inheritance and Guardianship, Ownership and Possession, Land Rights, Injury Law, Public Law, Funeral Rites, Marriage Law, Punishments
The "perfect wife", was raped by Tarquin's son and then killed herself