When Julius Caesar crossed this river, it meant war.
What is the Rubicon?
Heads of the Rome during the Republic
What are two main examples of Roman civic duty?
1. Jury Duty
2. Voting
3. Military Service
4. Paying Taxes
With what animal is Hannibal associated with?
Who were the early inhabitants of northern Italy?
What is most associated with the period of Ancient Roman history known as the Pax Romana?
It was a time of peace. Conflict within the empire decreased, art flourished
Ruled during times of war for 6 month terms, expected to give up power when job completed.
The city of Rome was built in what modern state/country?
This forms a natural boarder at the north of Italy
The Alps
Who recognized the empire was too large to rule and divided it into eastern and western territories with two capitals?
What is the system designed so that one governing body did not have too much power?
checks and balances
This country was a naval powerhouse to the south of Rome
Controlling what body of water enabled the Roman empire able to spread its influence into Africa and the Middle East?
The Roman empire controlled the Mediterranean Sea.
I invaded the Italian peninsula from Carthage (from the north). Who am I?
I am Hannibal!
What is the BEST title for this list(Below)
They could not control their borders
The inflation devalued the Roman Coin
The leaders kept getting murdered
Causes for the Decline of the Roman empire.
According to legend, Romulus and Remus were my offspring
Mars (Roman God of War)
Who are leaders of the Assembly with veto power.
How did the Roman republic raise enough money to create a large system of roads aqueducts?
It taxed its citizens.
I was an Egyptian Pharaoh/Queen I supported Julius Caesar but then Marc Antony. Who am I?
I am Cleopatra!
He signed his own death warrant when he declared himself dictator for life
Julius Caesar
What emperor moved the Eastern Roman capital to Constantinople?
Which class made up the members of the Roman Senate.
Patrician (the upper class)
What feature/pattern from Roman Empire had a lasting impact on the education?
The government was in charge of education rather than the church
A unit of the Roman army made up of approx. 6, 000 soldiers.
During the decline of the empire what group was responsible for pushing into Roman territory, causing much conflict.
Germanic Tribes