The late Republic saw a series of these types of wars that pitted Roman citizens fighting against each other. The final one ended with Octavian defeating Mark Antony to become master of all the Roman Empire
What is a civil war?
Romans during the Republican era were pagans, practicing this brand of religion that featured numerous gods
What is polytheism?
To avoid the same fate as his uncle, this first emperor of Rome was careful not to behave like a king
Who is Augustus/Octavian?
Not a direct democracy, this form of Roman government had citizens elect leaders to make decisions for the state
What is a republic?
Designed as two Greek theaters joined together back-to-back, this Roman building hosted spectacles for the public
What is The Colosseum? What is the Flavian Amphitheater?
Invaders from northern Europe who were a major factor in the fall of the western Roman Empire
Who were the Germanic barbarian tribes?
A crucial feature that helped the governing of its vast empire, this Roman innovation also helped spread Christianity
What are roads?
The Roman province conquered by Julius Caesar that made him extremely popular with the people of Rome, but filled his political enemies with jealousy and hatred
What is Gaul?
The powerful and wealthy noble families of Rome who could trace their ancestry to the founders of the Republic
Who are the patricians?
Most of what we know about daily life of the average Roman comes from the archeological discoveries found in this city that was buried under volcanic ash in 79 AD
What is Pompeii or Herculaneum?
As a result of these wars against Carthage, Rome gained control of the Mediterranean Sea.
What are the Punic Wars?
Starting with the reign of Augustus and ending in 180 AD, this period saw the Roman Empire at its height of power and prosperity (with no civil wars)
What is the "Pax Romana" ?
Assassinated by senators in 44 BC, this popular Roman politician and general is credited for bringing an end to the Republic
Who is Julius Ceaser?
This official position in the Roman government gave an individual total power for 6 months during a time of crisis. Julius Caesar was made one for life
What is a dictator?
The year the city-state of Rome became a republic
What is 504 BC?
The largest unit in the Roman military, consisting of about 5,000 soldiers
What are legions?
The language of ancient Rome and the basis for Spanish and French
What is Latin?
The original name of Constantinople
What is Byzantium?
Being elected to consul was similar to being elected to this political office that resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC
What is the office of the President of the United States?
Technology that provided clean water to public baths and water systems in the empire.
What are aqueducts?
The group of people whose failed rebellion against Rome resulted in enslavement and removal from their God-given homeland
Who were the Jews?
Before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge this emperor converted to Christianity after seeing a vision of a fiery cross in the sky.
Who is Constantine?
After the conquest of this Mediterranean society, the Romans adopted and copied much of its culture
What is Greece?
written in 412 BC, this became the basis for Roman law guaranteeing equal protection under the law for all Roman citizens
What are the Twelve Tables?
The city that became the new capital of the Roman Empire in 330 AD, and was renamed after the emperor
What is Constantinople?