Who was the person that declared himself "Dictator for Life"? He was very popular amongst the people. (page 134)
Julius Caesar
What was the capital of the Western Roman Empire?
Roman’s first government(page 129)
What is a Republic
A code of laws passed to ensure all citizens were treated equal. These were placed in the Roman Marketplace. (page 130)
The Twelve Tables
What are some lasting achievements from Ancient Rome? (page 138)
Roads, Sanitation Systems, Arches in buildings, the Colosseum, aqueducts, bridges
Tell at least one advantage that lead to economic and political growth due to Ancient Rome's geography.
** Mild, sunny climate which was good for growing crops
**Inland location made it more difficult to be attacked by sea
** Tiber River provided water for farming.
**The Mediterranean Sea made trade easier
**Mountain Ranges made invasion more difficult
**Trading with other countries boosted Rome's political power
They were elected to office, were a small minority group, and nobles(page 129)
What are Patricians
What is a Rule of Law?(page 130)
Laws that apply to all people, regardless of social class.
Who is Jesus and why is he important to the Religion of Ancient Rome? (page 140)
Most believed Jesus to be the messiah. Before the birth of Christ the Ancient Romans were polytheistic. They established the religion of Christianity after his birth and became MONOTHEISTIC.
This was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire
Rome is located along this river
Tiber River
If I were a trader, craftsman or farmer, I would belong to this group.(page 129)
What are plebeians
What happened during the Roman Civil War? (page 132)
The citizens were divided into those that supported the plebians and those that supported the patricians.
This was a period of peace, stability, and progress during the 200 years of the Augustan Age. No major wars were fought during this time. (page 135)
Pax Romano
What is the name of the mountain range that is a Natural Boundary of ancient Rome?
The Italian Alps
Name the main sea Ancient Rome was on
Mediterranean Sea
The three societal groups Rome was divided into. (page 129)
What are Plebeians , Patricians, and Slaves. Plebeians - common people Patricians - wealthy and powerful citizens Slaves - no rights
What are checks and balances? (page 131)
Checks and balances ensure that no one branch of the Government has any more power than the other.
HE was one of Jesus' followers that spread Christianity throughout the known world. He was a powerful message for the Christian faith. (page 140)
Tell me one thing that the Tiber River provided.
Fresh water for drinking, watering crops, and bathing...Food
The government Romans had during war time.(page 134)
What is a dictatorship
Why were the people in Ancient Rome angry with Julius Caesar? (page 134)
He named himself dictator for life. Most believed he was becoming too powerful.