These twin brothers were the mythical founders of Rome.
Who were Romulus and Remus?
Early plebeians were unhappy in the Republic because they had no say in these.
What are laws?
During the first period of expansion, Rome took over this area.
What is the Italian peninsula?
Poor Romans often got food from these places.
What are fast-food shops?
Jesus grew up in the home of this profession.
What is a carpenter?
Rome was first ruled by these people before the Republic.
Who were the Etruscans?
The major job of consuls in Rome was to do this.
What is command the army?
Rome’s main enemy in the Punic Wars was this city-state.
What is Carthage?
Gladiator fights in the Colosseum were meant for this.
What is entertaining the audience?
A parable is a story like the one about this person helping an injured man.
Who is the Good Samaritan?
Romans learned about Greek culture because Greek colonists did this.
What is settled in parts of Italy?
The Conflict of the Orders led to patricians doing this.
What is giving up some power?
Enslaving prisoners led to unemployment because landowners did this.
What is used enslaved people instead of paying free workers?
The Romans built bigger arches than anyone before them because they used this material.
What is concrete?
Paul was important in Christianity because he did this.
What is spread Christianity to people who were not Jews?
This structure, influenced by the Etruscans, can be seen in Roman architecture.
What are arches?
This Roman ideal of justice is based on natural law.
What is all people have rights?
The Praetorian Guard caused problems for emperors because they sometimes did this.
What is plotted against them?
Many American statues of George Washington were made in the Roman style to do this.
What is give Washington nobility?
Christians around the world share these common teachings.
What are the teachings of Jesus?
Rome’s first rulers were from this group.
Who were Etruscan kings?
The rule of law in Rome meant that any Roman could do this.
What is accuse someone of a crime?
After 476 C.E., this happened to the Eastern Roman Empire.
What is lasted another thousand years?
The Eastern Orthodox Church is led by this figure.
Who is a patriarch?
One difference between Christian churches is the debate about this baptism issue.
What is the age when it should happen?