By social class
What were the Twelve Tables?
Roman Law
What are the two characteristics of an Empire?
Having an Emperor and a lot of territory
Who inspired Roman Mythology?
Greek mythology
What are the two adjectives to describe entertainment in Rome?
Bloody and violent
What are the two social classes in Ancient Rome?
Patrician and Plebian
Who was fighting in the Punic Wars?
Carthage and Rome
Who makes up the First Triumvirate?
Caesar, Pompey, Crassus
Why is Latin a dead language?
It isn't spoken anymore
In what number of ways did animals exist in the arena?
Could conquered people become citizens in Ancient Rome?
What continent is Carthage in?
Who was the Second Triumvirate?
Octavian, Mark Antony, Lepidus
Story of Romulus and Remus
Who were the gladiators?
Men who would fight in the arena/colosseum
How many types of citizenship existed in Ancient Rome?
What does it mean to set siege to something?
Completely destroy it
Why did the FIRST triumvirate end?
Death of Crassus/Civil War
What is meant by "bread and circuses?"
Free food and entertainment to keep citizens happy
What animals did Chariot Races involve?
Draw the three different levels of government in Ancient Rome
Consuls, Senate, Assembly
Why are the Punic Wars significant to Roman History?
It expanded their territory
Why did the Second Triumvirate end?
Octavian made himself emperor
What were the two styles of play in Ancient Rome?
Tragedy and Comedy
What is the mime and where was it invented?
Acting something out without talking and Rome