Who is the Military Hero, Dictator for Life of Rome, Killed by his friends?
Julius Caesar
The Term "Pax Romana" refers to the --
What is the two hundred years of peace in Rome?
Augustus Caesar
Who is the first emperor of Rome?
Romulus and Remus
Who are the legendary two brothers who founded Rome?
I was the first king of Rome.
Who is Romulus?
What is the country the Romans fought during the Punic Wars.
There were 4 main reasons for this including inflation and mercenary armies.
What was the Fall of Rome?
The city of Rome was built on this geographic feature.
What is the Italian peninsula?
The aqueduct and the arch.
What were two forms of Ancient Rome engineering?
1. weak, corrupt rulers
2. inflation
3. mercenary armies
4. Empire was too large to control
What are FOUR reasons for the fall of the Roman empire?
Rome gained control of the Mediterranean Sea.
What is the result of the Punic Wars?
Building of roads, bridges, and aqueducts
What are some of the enduring impact achievements from Ancient Rome?
The Roman empire controlled the Mediterranean Sea.
Why was the Roman empire able to spread its influence into Africa and the Middle East?
I invaded the Italian peninsula from Carthage (Via the Alps!).
Who is Hannibal?
this was one impact of the Punic Wars
What are plebeians moved into the cities and away from farms?
The major physical feature most helped ancient Greece and Rome to carry on trade?
What is the Mediterranean Sea?
Person in Ancient Rome who fought in an arena for entertainment - usually a slave
Who is a gladiator?
clothing worn to show citizenship of Rome
What is a toga?
I was an Egyptian Pharaoh/Queen I supported Julius Caesar but then Marc Antony.
Who is Cleopatra?
They refused to participate in some of the Roman religious activities they didn't believe in.
Why many Christians were persecuted by the Romans?
They provided clean water to public baths and water systems in the empire.
How did the aqueducts a new form of technology impact ancient Rome?
thin piece of land surrounded by water on 3 sides - Italy is an example
What is a peninsula?
Constantine's vision of Christ and the direction to fight with Christian standards.
What changed Rome's view of Christianity?
ordinary citizen of Rome
What is a plebeian?
capital of the Eastern Roman Empire
What is Constantinople?