What was the roles of the two kings?
What is the kleros?
Land given to newborn boy and future citizen of Sparta, given by the state (an equal polot or allotment of land).
Who are the three main gods worshipped in Sparta?
Artemis-Ortheia, Apollo, Poseidon
What are the three key architectural buildings explored in ancient Sparta?
Amyklaion, Menelaion, the Sancturary of Artemis Orthia
What is Aristotle's main view on Sparta?
Believed Sparta to be unjust, corrupt and inefficient. Critical of womens feedom, but approved Sparta's mixed consitition.
What was used to avoid corruption amongst the ephors?
Trials including Leotychidas
What was the main role of the helots?
Agricultural laborers and servants
what was the festival of naked children?
Was ivory locally sourced?
Who was pausanias?
A Roman geographer who mapped out Sparta
What was the role of women?
What was the role of the periokoi?
Agricultural production was carried out, arisanal crafts of weapon, armor and pottery.
Describe the festival of Hyakinthia
First day of mourning for Hyakinthos. Procession from Sparta to Amyklai.
Second day, celebrating the resurrection. Songs sung, wealthy familes hold private feasts and performances commenced. Third day, unknown. But basic ancient Greek clothing given to statue of Apollo.
What was the purpose of the Amyklaion?
Worship and sanctuary. Dedicated to Apollo and Hyakinthos. Location of festival of Hyakinthia.
What is one of the issues with Plutarch as a source?
Outdated, written over 500 years after the event.
What were the stages in the agoge?
Between 7-12 boys are grouped into groups of boys around the same age known as agelai; At this age boys become hebon (Combatants) however they are not allowed to participate in the phalanx at this stage; At 30 they became Homoioi and were granted the rank of Spartiate. At this time they can live at home and vote in the Ekklesia.
Why were iron bars used?
Lycurgan laws banned coins
What were the funerary customs in Sparta?
Burials hidden away from the city. Simple burials no inscriptions except for those who died in the miltiary, women in childbirth or of religious orders. Kings had special customs.
What was the purpose of the Menelaion?
Votive offerings to Helen, place of worship. Dedicated to Helen and Menelaus
What did Alcman's work feature in?
The Syssitia and festivals such as the Gymnopaedia and Hyakinthia.
What were the issues of Lycurgus?
Historians speculate that Lycurgus was not one person or even real. He was used as a myth for propaganda.
When were the Ivory Carvings flourishing in Sparta?
In the 7th century BCE, which shows orientalising influence and gives evidence of knowledge of Phoenician and even Hittite styles.
What is the legend of Dioscuri?
Twins, Castor I and Polydeuces, twin sons of Zeus and brothers of Helen of Troy.
Where was the sanctuary of Artemis-Orthia located?
Cloe to the Eurotas River, above flood level.
What is the name of Alcman's most famous work?
The Partheneia