Judeo-Christian Tradition
Greco-Roman vs. Judeo-Christian
1) The ruler would create just laws; 2) warriors would enforce these laws; 3) the populace would obey these laws - These 3 principle of the rule of law were laid out in this most famous writing by Plato.
What is "Republic"?
Rome was responsible for advocating rights for these people, which included putting the burden of proof in a trial on the prosecution rather than the defense and proclaiming defendants innocent until proven guilty.
What is rights of the accused?
This document established moral and ethical code for Judeo-Christian individuals.
What is the Ten Commandments?
Greco-Roman tradition combined these 2 aspects of life while Judeo-Christian belief (particularly Jesus) believed there should be a separation of the 2.
What is church and state?
“When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.” Plato, “The Republic” What is the meaning of the quote?
What is that leaders took power by force and try anything they can to stay in power?
This Greek philosopher believed that justice was a moving target and should be defined on a case-by-case basis.
Who is Socrates?
Rome contributed to democracy by making laws universal by putting them in _________________. The Code of Justinian and the Twelve Tables are examples.
What is writing?
In Judeo-Christian faith, the individual had the greatest responsibility to _________.
Who is God?
Of the 4, this is a way that Judeo-Christian beliefs differed from Greco-Roman beliefs: 1) emphasis on virtue and individual conscience; 2) emphasis on virtue and public community; 3) emphasis on polytheism and individual conscience; 4) emphasis on individual conscience and monotheism?
What is 4) emphasis on individual conscience and monotheism?
Name an aspect of American Government that has been influenced by the Ancient World.
What is answers will vary.
“The three aims of the tyrant are, one, the humiliation of his subjects...; two, the creation of mistrust among them...; three, the tyrant desires that all his subjects shall be incapable of action, for no one attempts what is impossible and they will not attempt to overthrow a tyranny if they are powerless.” --Aristotle, “Politics” Aristotle criticizes these people for doing whatever they can to keep their power.
Who are tyrants?
Unlike in Greece, Rome set up a republic which allowed ____________________ to make decisions for the people.
What are representatives?
The idea of personal salvation for all believers attracted people here to Christianity.
Where is Rome?
Greco-Roman tradition believed that laws should be based on these two things (which Socrates was the first to promote).
What is logic and reason?
Give a specific example of one of the ten commandments that is against U.S. law.
What is answers will vary?
According to Aristotle, this was the purpose of the government.
What is serve the common interest of all individuals?
The Roman government viewed Christianity as a threat to government early on because of Christians refused to do this.
What is worship state selected gods and emperors (put God before Roman law)?
The reconciliation of Christianity in Rome occurred when Rome adopted it as this.
What is adopted it as the state religion?
While in Judeo-Christian tradition, the individual's most important duty is to God, Greco-Roman tradition differs as the individual's most important duty is to ...
What is the State (nation)?
In this type of government, people elect others to represent their interests and vote on laws in government.
What is representative democracy (indirect democracy)?
“This tyranny is just that arbitrary power of an individual, which is responsible to no one, and governs all alike, whether equals or betters, with a view to its own advantage, not to that of its subjects, and therefore against their will.” -Aristotle In the quote, this is who Aristotle believes tyrants are concerned about.
Who is themselves?
Rome contributed to democracy through this body that gave people a voice in their own government.
What is the Roman Senate?
Judaism and Christianity were different from all prior religions because of this.
What is monotheism?
In contrast to Greco-Roman tradition, in Judeo-Christian belief, this is the main source of law.
What is God?
In a direct democracy, ultimate power lies with them.
What is the people?