What do you do if you have a question or have something to say?
Raise your hand!
True or False...
You can run to the playground!
On your own time (before school, recess, lunch, after school)
When do we have PE?
Tuesdays and Fridays at 2:00!
What should you do if you'd like to get some water?
Look at your teacher and quietly hold up a 3 with your hand
What should it look and sound like when we are walking through the learning commons to go to recess?
Which bathroom should you use? By the playground or by the handball court?
By the playground
When do we have library?
Wednesdays at 2:00
True or False...
Mrs. Anderson loves a clean room at the end of the day!
True or False...
You should use the restroom before going to play.
What happens if you do need to go to the bathroom during class time?
You can go if it's an emergency, but you'll owe Mrs. Anderson a dojo point
How should we line up?
ABC order
What should you do if you need a new pencil?
Walk to the counter and put your dull pencil in the dull bucket. Then, grab a new pencil from the sharp bucket.
Who should you talk to if you have problems at recess?
When should you talk to them?
The school site monitors, as soon as the problem happens
What should you do if someone is playing in the bathroom when they shouldn't be?
Go back to the classroom and tell Mrs. Anderson if you went during class.
Tell a school site monitor if you went during recess.
What are 3 ways you can show Mrs. Anderson that you are listening?
1. Not talking
2. Looking at Mrs. Anderson
3. Calm body
What is an example of how you can be respectful to the portable classroom during recess?
Answers vary