How many classes does Andew take a semester?
What do I currently do that is baseball related?
How did I have my first car accident?
Was frustrated after a work shift and backed up without looking into a minivan lol
My major obsession in collecting?
Baseball cards obviously lol
What is my all-time favorite place to bring you for food?
Sonic :)
What is his college standing?
How many years did I play?
11 years
How fast was I going when I got my speeding ticket?
What do I usually get a bunch of friends together for on weekends?
Can I kiss you?
please? ;)
Whats the favorite part of his day?
Coming home to see kthi, but I will also accept eating lol.
What is my favorite team?
Boston Redsox
How did I tear a hole in my knee as a kid?
Sliding into second base right into a pipe during a recess kickball game lol :(
What did I have on my youtube channel?
What was our last mini vacation before you left for your travel month?
Bushkill falls
What are his majors?
Business Management and Human Resources
What position did I play?
What were the two health issues I dealt with last year?
Man periods and a kidney stone :(
Major hobby that I shared with my dad and has since died off?
Model railroading
Who is a loveable friend that goes everywhere and is a must have?
Jeff :)
How far is clarion to his home?
Anywhere from 2.25 to 2.5 hours. Sowwy 500's dont come easy ;). BUT IM PROUD OF YOU IF YOU GOT IT!
What was my best moment on the field?
11 year old all-star year, hitting my first homerun ever to win the game for our team! I'd be quite proud if you got this ;). Did tell you about it once
How did I get the massive cut and scar on my finger?
Opening a cat food can :( lol
This is a lesser known hobby of mine that involves collecting and that I have shown you a few times?
Old coin collecting
What is my all-time favorite time we have been together?
Summer 18 <3 I love you!