Research Methods
Andrade Study Strengths and weaknesses
Andrade study Procedure
Research Methods Validity and Reliability
Issues and Debates

What are 3 sampling methods?

1. Volunteer sampling 

2. Opportunity sampling 

3. Random sampling 


Describe the ethics of Andrade and identify if it was a weakness or not, and explain why

in Andrade, ethics are not a weakness. Deceptions was minor and required for experiment, followed by immediate debrief and apology


What is the aim of the Andrade study?

To test whether doodling aided memory and attention in a boring task


Define validity in the context of psychological research

Did the study measure what it claims it measured?


Describe what an individual explanation is

Individual explanations account for behaviors that result from personal factors like personality, ability, and personal characteristics


What is informed consent?

Knowing enough about a study to decide whether you want to agree to participate.


Was generalizability a strength or weakness and why?

Weakness - The sample used featured people who volunteer regularly for psych research and was large majority female


How many places and names were in the recorded message?

8 names and 8 places


 Explain what is meant by reliability in research.

Reliability refers to consistency of results and replicability


Describe what a situational explanation is

Situational Explanations account for behaviors that result or are influenced by the external environment one finds themselves in


What are 2 techniques that self-reports use?

1. Questionnaire 

2. Interview 


Why was replicability a strength of Andrade?

Andrade had a highly standardized procedure, including the length and words per minute of the message, size of paper, and time between monitoring task and recall task


Describe the sample used for the andrade study?

40 person Opportunity sample, aged 18-55 year olds who volunteered to be part of a participant panel for psychological research at the University of Plymouth. 35 women, 5 men


State two weaknesses of Independent measures design

Participant Variables more likely to impact DV

More participants required

What is the benefit of the nature vs nurture debate?

Useful for society because it helps us explain behaviors and understand effective ways to shape them.


A study has the hypothesis "Eating an entire pizza with cause a child to run faster"

What kind of hypothesis is this? 

Directional or One Tailed Hypothesis

Explain whether mundane realism was a strength or weakness in this study
Weakness -Listening to a recording then having a memory task is not a usual task in everyday life 

How were Ps allocated to their conditions in the Andrade study?

P’s randomly allocated to their group


Identify 2 types of extraneous variables

2 of 3 must be named

1. Uncontrolled Variables - Variables that cannot be controlled by researcher

2. Participant Variables - Variables that participants bring with them

3. Situational Variables - Variables the situation brings to the study


What is the problem of the Nature side of the Nature vs Nurture debate

If behavior is perceived as solely a result of nature than this can lead to segments of society potentially pursuing harmful ideas like eugenics


What are the 3 experimental designs?

1. Independent measures

2. Repeated measures 

3. Matched pairs


What kind of data was collected and what is the strength of that kind of data?

Quantitative - Quan. data is objective, makes for clear and easy analysis, and is precise


What was the research method used?

Lab Experiment


What is the difference between Internal and External Validity?

Internal Validity - whether a study establishes cause and effect (the IV causes change in DV)

External Validity - Whether a study is generalizable or has relevance to real life


What are the problems with conducting useful research? 

1. Studies might be unethical to gain valid results

2. Studies need to be high in ecological validity, which is difficult to balance against internal validity
