Events during Jackson’s presidency
Cherokee/ Native Americans
state and national banks

True or false: Andrew Jackson’s political opponents made a cartoon of him representing him in a negative way.



Elections of 1824

The election of 1824 was a presidential election in the United States. Andrew Jackson was one of the candidates in the election, running for president. The candidates were: John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and William H Crawford. The election took place in the United States. The election took place because it was time to choose a new president for the United States. Andrew Jackson was disappointed with the election of 1824.


What tribes resisted removal of the Indian Removal Act? What was the result of the resistance?

The Seminole tribe in Florida, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and creek resisted the Indian removal act.


True or false: Andrew Jackson opposed state banks 

false, he supported state banks and chose them over national banks.


What political party was Jackson part of?

He was part of the Democratic Party.


Tariff of 1828/ Tariff of Abominations 

Andrew Jackson and Adams were involved in the tariff of 1828. The tariff was signed by President Adams , although there was a risk it could weaken him politically. The tariff of 1828 raised taxes on imported manufactures so as to reduce foreign competition with American manufacturing. The tariff of 1828 took place in the United States. The purpose was to reduce foreign competition with American manufacturing. Andrew Jackson was not a fan of the tariff of 1828.


Elections of 1828

The Main candidates of the election of 1828 were Andrew Jackson, & John Quincy Adams ( who was seeking re-election). The election of 1828 was a presidential election in the United States. It was a re-match between Jackson & Adams. Jackson won the election and became the 7th president of the United states. The election took place in the United States. It took place because it was time to choose another president since the last election from 1824. Andrew Jackson was not happy with the election of 1828.


Who created a written Cherokee language?

Sequoyah, a Cherokee man, created a written form of the Cherokee language. He developed a form of syllables which is a form where each symbol represents a syllable. This allowed Cherokee people to communicate by writing and reading in the same language.


 Even after the vetoing of the Bank’s charter how did the people feel about Jackson?

Americans accused Jackson of acting like a dictator to redistribute wealth among the country.


Why did the average American people vote for Jackson?

The average American voted for him because they sided with his political interests, and beliefs. A major reason for Jackson’s victory was the removal of property ownership as a voting requirement, under which people could vote without owning property.

The Nullification Act 

The nullification act was a conflict between South Carolina and the federal government of the United States. The nullification act declared the tariffs null, void, and forbade the collection of duties within the boundary of the state. The act took place in South Carolina. The nullification act was a result of southern state resistance to imposed protective tariffs on foreign goods to guard emerging industries. Andrew Jackson strongly opposed the nullification act.


The Elections of 1832

Andrew Jackson, Clay, and Wirt were involved, running all for 7th president of the United States. Jackson defeated both candidates and won. This was the usual traditional United States presidential election. The election took place in the United States. The election took place because it was the usual tradition of choosing another president 4 years after the election of 1828. Andrew Jackson was pleased with the results of this election, because he won as the 7th president of the U.S.


Why did settlers in Georgia want Cherokee lands?

Settlers wanted the land because they were interested in the fertile land for farming and agriculture, while others saw economic opportunities in the resources found on the Cherokee land. Thirdly, there was a belief among settlers that Native American lands should be taken over by white settlers.


What did Jackson think of the bank of the United States?

He didn't trust the Bank, and opposed it because he thought it was unconstitutional. He argued it gave too much power to the wealthy and not enough help to the normal and poor citizens. The Bank could also control the state banks. The national bank took the states banks money and used it for gold and silver, leading to the states banks not having enough money or power. Andrew Jackson wanted state banks to have more power than the National bank.


Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court while Jackson was in office?

John Marshall was the chief Justice while Jackson was in office.


Worcester vs. Georgia court case 

Christians, Samuel A. Worcester was involved and a group of white Christian missionaries were involved. It was a court case involving the Cherokee nation and the state of Georgia. In 1832, the Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee nation was an entity and Georgia’s laws did not apply to them. The decision was that the Cherokee nation was based on the idea that they had the right to self governance, and the federal government had no authority over them. The court case took place in the state of Georgia.


How many terms did Andrew Jackson serve?

he served two terms, his presidency was from March 4th 1829- March 4th 1837


How did State’s Rights and the Indian Removal Act connect?

The Indian removal act was a violation of state sovereignty under Article IV section 3 of the constitution.


Jackson vs. the Bank Of The United States

Jackson got in a heated fight with the Bank of the United States because he believed the bank had too much power and favored the wealthy only. He fought in the interest of the common people and aimed to create a more democratic society. Andrew Jackson had strong feelings about the bank that he was not a huge fan of it.


How did Andrew Jackson feel about the British?

Andrew Jackson strongly hated the British. This was due to many incidents he had with them when he was younger. A British officer told him to “clean his boots”, Jackson refused and got slapped in the face. His mother and brother died because of the British during the revolutionary war. Therefore, Jackson saw the British as arrogant. Jackson blamed the British for his mom’s exhaustion and death, and his brother’s smallpox


The Corrupt Bargain

The corrupt bargain refers to the alleged political deal in the election of 1824. No candidates received a majority of votes, the decision went to the House of Representatives. The main individuals involved in the corrupt bargain were John Quincy Adams, & Henry Clay. Henry Clay used his influence to support John Quincy Adams in exchange for the position of Secretary of State. This agreement was seen as controversial and raised the accusations of a corrupt bargain. Andrew Jackson was furious about the corrupt Bargain.


How many elections took place during Andrew Jackson‘s term as president?


- election of 1824

-election of 1828

- election of 1832


The Indian Removal Act

President Jackson, several state governments, indigenous tribes, the Whig party, white tribes and soldiers, and the Supreme Court were involved in the Indian removal act. The Indian removal act established a process of where the president could grant land west of the Mississippi River to Indian tribes that agreed to give up their homelands. It took place in the states of Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and Mississippi. The Indian removal act happened because Cherokees and other native Americans were the main obstacle to westward expansion. Andrew Jackson supported the Indian removal act.


True or false: The National banks prioritized only the wealthy.



What are three nicknames of Jackson and how did he get them?

His three nicknames were “Old Hickory,” “King Andrew”, and “The Hero of New Orleans”. He earned the nickname, old hickory, through his tough and resilient personality, like the strong and durable hickory wood. “King Andrew” was earned through his political opponents who criticized his strong use of executive power. “The Hero of New Orleans” was earned through his victory at the battle of New Orleans because of his great leadership.
