Andrew Jackson's nickname
What is "Old Hickory"
The president who beat Jackson in the Election of 1824
Who is John Quincy Adams
The term describing John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay's victory in the Election of 1824
What is "corrupt bargain"
This president was a big fan of breeding dogs
Who is George Washington
What is Ms Grant's nickname
What is Mady
The dollar bill Jackson is on
What is $20 bill
Another word used to describe the insults and unjust accusations between the candidates in the election of 1828
What is "mudslinging"
Jackson's wife who was slandered (some would say dragged through the mud) during the election of 1828
Who is Rachel Donelson Robards (just Rachel also works)
This President died on the Anniversary of US Independence
Who is Thomas Jefferson
The sport Mr Prinz coaches
What is wrestling
Jackson participated in ~100 of these dangerous and now very illegal meetings throughout his life
What are duels
The political party Jackson was a part of
What is the Democratic Party
Jackson opposed this system of money and credit in the US
What is the National Bank OR Second Bank of the US
Besides Washington, he was the only president to ever run (essentially) unopposed
Who is James Monroe
The most streamed song in 2024 on Spotify
What is Birds of a feather
The animal that was allegedly used as a cannon in the Battle of New Orleans
What is an alligator
Who ultimately swayed the decision of the presidency for the Election of 1824
Who is Henry Clay
One of three presidents to win a Grammy
Who is Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama
How many children does Mrs Nussdorfer have
What is 3