How he got rich
Fun facts
Before wealth

True Or False... 

Mellon invested in Many art museums and even built one for mostly sculptures. 

Correct answer: True

Mellon appreciated the process of sculpting 

Did Andrew Mellon take a Ulysses S. grant approach, not caring much for fashion, or did he have pride in how he looked? 

Correct answer: He did have quite a good taste in fashion... especially trench coats and hats. 


True OR False...

Mellon's father owned a bank and gave up ownership to Mellon??

Correct answer: True!!!
Mellon father owned a bank called, " T. Mellon and sons". He ended up giving it to Mellon after he got older. 


True OR False!!!!

By the early 1910s Mellon had become one of the richest men in the United States.....

Correct Answer: False! 

Mellon was Actually getting this type of wealth around the 1920s.


Where was Mellon born 

A.) Arizona 

B.) Virginia

C.) South Carolina 

D.) Pennsylvania 

Correct answer: D!!!!

Mellon was Born in pennsylvania in 1855


When did Andrew Mellon start investing in companies?A.) 1974

B.) 1980

C.) 1977

D.) 1975

Correct answer: A!!!!

Mellon started investing in companies around 1974 when he worked in his fathers bank. 


What was Andrew Mellon's favorite color to wear? 

A.) He was a traditional black coat black tie guy 

B.) Yellowish tints 

C.) A accent of vibrant blues 

D.) A little bit of red. 

Correct Answer: A!!!! 

For the most part he wore black for the business/banking part of his life, But there is some neat pictures of him wearing colorful ties for the time.  


What was Andrew Mellon's biggest money maker 

A.) He invested in Aluminum companies at an early age

B.) He Worked for a bank 

C.) He created art for people to see 

D.) He was a clothing designer 

Correct answer: A!!!!

He started investing in aluminum companies at an early age and theta money started accumulating and he later found himself one of the riches men in the country. 


What were Andrew Mellon's Childhood nicknames?

A.) Dre

B.) AW

C.) Drew

D.) Andy

Correct Answer: D&B!!!!


True OR False...

Mellon started making money by lumber coal working?

Correct answer: TRUE!!!!

Mellon started off as a lumber/ coal worker and that's how he started off. 


True OR False!!!!

Andrew Mellon had a mighty fine Mustache????

Correct answer: True, this might be our personal opinion, but he had the best mustache out of anyone in the gilded age. 


True OR False...

Andrew Mellon had a huge part in the construction of weapons ( Guns, bullets modern tanks etc)  

Correct answer: False!!! 

While Mellon funded many things and helped push ideas forward the funding of weapons was not on that list of things he helped create.  


Multiple choice 

A.) Mellon was a big art collector 

B.) Mellon despised art and thought it was a waste

c.) Mellon was an artist himself

D.) Mellon was picasso in different clothes :)   

Correct answer: A!!!!! Mellon was a big art collector and in 1937 he even donated 10 million dollars to constructed an art gallery.  


Where did Mellon attend school? 

A.) Allan Hancock College 

B.) University of Albuquerque

C.) University of pittsburgh 

D.) Harvard 

Correct answer: C!!!!

Mellon went to the University of Pittsburgh and he graduated in 1873
