Anesthetics, Sedatives, Opioids
Reversal Agents
Types of Anesthesia
PACU Anesthetic Complications
Malignant Hyperthermia

This fast-acting, short-term opioid is the first-line pain medication given in PACU.

What is Fentanyl?

This agent reverses opioids and must be diluted and given in small increments to effect.

What is Narcan/Naloxone?


This anesthesia scale classifies the health of a patient prior to anesthesia.

What is the ASA classification scale?


NPO status, insensible losses, and blood losses from surgery along with anesthetic medications contribute to this common post operative condition.

What is Hypovolemia?


Why are only certain individuals predisposed to this condition?  

What is Autosomal dominant gene: Ryanodene gene?


Name a Benzodiazepine.

What is Versed, Ativan, Haldol?


This agent reverses benzodiazepines and is given in small doses until effect.

What is Flumazenil/Romazicon?


This type of anesthesia involves the administration of opioids and benzodiazepines.  The patient typically can maintain his/her airway.

What is Moderate Sedation?


Anesthesia medications and/or hypothermia cause this condition which increases oxygen demand by 500%. This is treated with warm blankets if the temperature is low and/or Demerol.

What is Shivering?


Name one of the triggering agents for Malignant Hyperthermia.

What is Succinylcholine or Inhalation agents "-ane"?


These agents are metabolized in the lungs. Deep breathing in PACU helps to rid them from the body.

What are Inhalation agents? (Sevoflurane/ Isoflurane/Desoflurane)


When Narcan or Flumazenil are given, the patient needs to stay in PACU a total of ____ in phase 1 and _____ in phase 2 if going home.

What is 60 minutes in phase 1 and 30 minutes in phase 2?


 This type of anesthesia requires an anesthesia provider to be present in the event the patient cannot maintain their airway.

What is Monitored Anesthesia Care/ MAC?


If patients are slow to wake, > 20 minutes postop- this is called___________.   Can occur in the elderly and those with liver/kidney dysfunction.  

Nursing care includes ETCO2 monitoring, checking POCT glucose to r/o hypoglycemia, and notifying anesthesia.

What is Delayed Emergence?


When MH has been identified, what are some of the first actions to take?

What is "COLD"? 

Cease Triggering agents.


Locate MH Cart

Drug: Administer Ryanodex within 10min of diagnosis of MH


This paralyzing medication, also known as a muscle relaxant, is used to provide short-term paralysis and has no reversal agent.

What is Succinylcholine?


This medication counters the bradycardic effects of Neostigmine and works to increase the heart rate. This medication can be given by the Perianesthesia RN.

What is Glycopyrrolate/ Robinul?


This is a medically induced coma with loss of protective reflexes resulting from the administration of IV sedation, opioids, inhaled gases, and muscle relaxants.

What is General Anesthesia?


Those most at risk include women < 50 yrs., hx. of motion sickness, middle ear surgery, gynecological, urological, and ENT surgery—where blood can be swallowed.  Anesthesia gives prophylactic Zofran, Decadron, and Pepcid to reduce this incidence.

What is Post Op Nausea and Vomiting/PONV?


Where is the MH cart located in your area?

Where is in the PACU?


This muscle relaxant is used in longer OR cases and can be reversed by Neostigmine.

What is Rocuronium/Vecuronium?


This reversal agent provides 100% reversal of muscle relaxants and requires patient education to women of childbearing age to use alternative barrier birth control measures.

What is  Sugammadex?


Name an inhaled agent that can trigger Malignant Hyperthermia.  These agents are volatile at room temperature.

What is Sevoflurane/Isoflurane/Desflurane?


This complication can occur with any patient receiving anesthesia, sedation and opioids.  The combination of these medications relaxes the muscles of the oropharyngeal area.  The patient makes a motion to breathe but no breath sounds.  
or exhalation noted. ____________ Maneuvers are used to alleviate, include ______________.

What is Airway Obstruction?

What is repositioning head, chin lift, jaw thrust, NPA/OPA?


This smooth muscle relaxant (medication) reverses the hypermetabolic response of MH and is to be given within 10 minutes of identifying an MH crisis.

What is Ryanodex?
