Siya ang current boyfriend ni Ange. (State his full name including middle initial)
Raiden John L. PeƱaverde
Ano ang exact age gap ni Ange and Joram? (State the years, month, and day)
1 year, 7 months, and 16 days
Ano ang kalimitang first impression ng mga kaibigan ni Ange sa kanya?
What is Ange's first username sa Valorant?
Complete the analogy:
Elementary : ___________ :: High School : Quezon Science High School
(full name)
Sacred Heart College
Who is Ange's current celebrity obsession? (Clue: It's from her favourite Filipino teleserye from 2012)
Richard Yap!!! Sir Chief <333
Ange's name 'Angelica' came from where?
Bigas, Rice
12 years (since 2013)
Fill in the blank:
When Ange was around the age of 4 she had a Dora plushie, she liked rubbing its ______ on her nose.
Ange's lucky number is derived from what her rank is in the overall ranking of her batch in elementary. What is her rank?
Which letter among the 26 letters of the alphabet, does Ange's crush typically start?
Where is Ange's birthmark placed? (+50 if you answer when it shows)
Forehead, it usually shows when she's crying.
What is 7 year old Ange's favorite color? (Hint: She copied one of her friends XD)
If Ange were to look in a menu at a restaurant, what is the first dish she always picks / notices?
chicken wings / aglio olio
During Ange's first year in high school, she joined a contest during nutrition month. What is that contest?
Poster making contest
At what age did Ange had her first crush?
How many years did Ange's parents try conceiving before having their perfect daughter Ange?
Eight (8)
If roses are red and violets are blue, sino ang first bestfriend ni Ange?
K-anne, Karrel Anne Calvario
If 8 year old Ange walked into a toy store, which toy would she pick?
A. Cashier Register
B. Wand
C. Walkie Talkie
D. Barbie
C. Walkie Talkie
What is Ange's strongest subject, based from her memory, during her elementary days?
Sibika, Araling Panlipunan
Ange's first higher year crush during Grade 7 was Kuya Rossbien, what about him did she first notice?
His shoes
Who are 'Mahal and mura' to Ange?
Her first two dogs
Arrange the sequence based sa kung kailan naging kaibigan / ka-close ni Ange ang mga kaibigan niya:
_ CJ
_ Aldred
_ Seann
_ Jolo
_ Juriz
_ Marco
What is Ange's all time favourite Korean drama series that she has at least watched 3 times?
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
How did Ange get her scar on her chin?
She fell while getting down from the monkey bars.