What is healthy coping skill?
(give your best definition not example)
A positive way to deal with distressing events or emotions. They help us relax, solve problems, and feel better.
Who are some people that can help you work through anger and other difficult emotions?
Parents, friends, teachers, therapists....
It is not okay to feel angry.
Anger is an emotion, and all emotions are okay to feel. It's how we respond to the anger, that's important.
What would things look like if you were able to control your anger?
Answers may vary
Which planet is known for having rings?
What is an unhealthy coping skill?
(give your best definition not example)
A negative way to deal with distressing emotions or situations. Typically coping skills are unhealthy when they can be harmful to ourselves or other, or they are damaging to property. Unhealthy coping skills may feel good in the moment, but tend to have negative effects or consequences.
Have there been times where you have taken your anger out on other people? If so, what have you done?
Answers may vary...
yelling, hitting, ignoring people....
Exercise is a healthy way to manage anger.
Exercise has many physical and emotional benefits.What's the worst thing you've said or done when you were angry?
Answers may vary.
What is the name of the tallest mountain on earth?
Mt. Everest
Give 2 examples of healthy coping skills.
Deep breathing, exercise, talking about our problems, journalism, doing an enjoyable activity, taking a break...
What are some ways that our loved ones can help us cope with difficult emotions and events?
The way we think about a situation can impact our feelings and behaviors.
Our thoughts, emotions and behaviors are all connected.
Talk about a time where you managed your anger in a healthy way.
Answers may vary
What is the largest ocean on earth?
The Pacific ocean.
Give 2 examples of unhealthy coping skills.
Hitting, breaking things, screaming, isolating ourselves, harming ourselves....
True or false: The way we act when we're angry can impact our relationships with our friends and family.
We have no control over the way we react when we are angry.
While we may act more impulsively when angry. We do have control over our actions. We need to learn how to control ourselves.
Answers may vary
Name all 7 continents
North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, Antarctica.
Why is it unhealthy to avoid or ignore our anger?
When we ignore it, it doesn't go anywhere or get resolved. Anger will build. If it's not properly worked through, it will continue to build until it boils over or "explodes".
Luke was playing basketball with his older brother. His brother was winning and playfully taunting Luke, which made him very angry. Finally, Luke lost control. He threw the ball at his brother, yelled at him, called him names and stormed inside. How could Luke have handled the situation differently.
Taken a break when he felt himself getting angry, talked to his brother about taunting him, reminded himself that it was just a game, taken deep breaths, walked away...
Everybody uses the same coping skills to manage anger.
We all use different coping skills. What works for you may not work for me.
What healthy coping skills do you find beneficial when dealing with anger?
Answers may vary.
What is the largest mammal on earth?
Blue whale