what are things we can do to calm our body down?
breathe, count, take space, talk about it, move your body.... and more!
what body parts do we feel anger in?
chest, arms, legs, face.. everywhere!
is anger a comfortable or uncomfortable feeling?
what are things we can do with our body to get out anger out?
rip paper, punch a pillow, give yourself a hug and squeeze, scribble on paper and crumple it, pushups, stretches... and more!
what does someone's face look like when they're angry?
eyebrows are wiggly, mouth is open or wiggly, nose is wrinkled
is anger good or bad?
Good! Your body is telling you that something is bothering you.
how do we practice breathing?
put our hands on our tummy and breath in and out so our tummy gets big and small like a balloon... and other ways!
what are body signs for anger?
•heart beating fast
•Chest pain
•Hot face
•Making fists
•Tight face
•Talking back
•Name calling
who are people who feel angry?
when we talk about our anger, what kind of sentence should we use?
"I" sentence!
"I feel ____ when ____."
what should we first do when we start to fee angry?
calm our bodies!
make sure we have calm bodies
what's another word for stretches?
are everyone's body signs the same?
what is it called when we do things to keep our bodies calm?
coping or calm down skills