Recognize it
Solve it
True or False
True or False Con.'d

Name one way you can notice you are getting upset

any way you notice you are upset


Give two possible solutions for this problem:

Your friend stops talking to you for no reason at all and will not speak to you when you try to talk to them.

Leave them alone, you can talk to another friend, or make a new friend


Anger is a bad or negative emotion? 


Anger is a normal emotion just like our other emotions. What makes the difference is HOW we express it. We should allow ourselves to feel anger (like you would allow yourself to feel any other emotion), but also find a healthy way to handle it when we recognize we are angry.


Someone accidentally spills grape juice on your white shirt.

How angry would you feel?


It is bad to use 'I' Statements when feeling angry.


Can you give an example of an 'I' Statement?


List two physiological signs of anger

Headache, butterflies in the stomach, cannot think, pounding heart rate, clenched teeth


Give one possible solution to this problem:

You were supposed to go on a trip, but something came up last minute and your parent / guardian cannot take you.

Call a friend to see if they can do something with you, play a video or board game with your friend or sibling. 


Stuffing my anger feelings is a healthy way to deal with my anger. I do not need to communicate my anger feelings to others so they know I am unhappy.


Stuffing feelings is not a good idea. Although it is difficult to communicate how we feel at times, communicating to others that they have crossed a boundary or that you are not feeling happy and need a break is the best option!


Someone you do not know touches you on purpose.

How angry would you feel?


Being assertive means I am a bully.


What does being assertive mean to you?


Name two coping skills that helps you the most when you are starting to get upset.


Name one possible solution to this problem:

Someone keeps following you around at school after you told them to stop following you 3 times already.

Ask them to stop again, ask a teacher or resource officer to assist you, pretend to be on a phone call, or begin talking with your friends


It is impossible to control my anger responses.


There are many different ways to control your anger, you just have to find the ones that work for you!


It begins to rain after you just got off the school bus and are walking back home. You have no umbrella or jacket.

How angry would you be?


Exercise is an effective way to handle feelings of stress and anger.


What types of exercise helps you relieve stress and anger?


List two physical signs of anger you may feel 

Body shaking, voice raising, face getting red, 


Name two possible solutions to this problem:

Someone accuses you of something you did not do.

Proof you are innocent, find others who can also speak that you are innocent, or not let it bother you.


There are inappropriate ways to express my anger.


What are some inappropriate ways people can respond to anger?


Your parent / guardian takes your cell phone away because you did not complete the chores they asked you to.

How angry would you be?


It is bad to yell when angry.


Yelling is not an effective way to communicate with others nor does it communicate your needs.


Name two situations or things that might cause you to get upset or angry 

Any two situations or things 


Give one solution to this problem:

You were baking a cake for your best friend's birthday and messed up the recipe. Now the cake does not look like the cake on the box.  

Purchase a store bought cake or try to make another cake.


Anger DOES NOT trigger the flight or fight response.


Anger triggers the "fight or flight" response, which causes all kinds of physiological reactions—your heart pumps faster, your breathing increases, and others. When you become very angry, you are also much more likely to act impulsively and do or say something that you regret later.


You shared a secret with your best friend of 10 years and he / she shared it everyone at school.

How angry would you be?


The silent treatment works effectively to teach others that you are angry.


The silent treatment may work to let others know you do not like what they did or said, but rarely does not effectively communicate how you are feeling, what your needs are, and what the other person could have done to meet your needs. 

Have you ever used the silent treatment? Did it help you or others find any healthy solutions?
