What are the three stages of the aggression cycle?
Buildup, Explosion and Aftermath
What is a trigger?
Something that has you feeling some type of way
T or F
The way you express your anger cannot be changed
your nervous system response can be inherited but the way you respond is learned
Physical, Emotional, Cognitive, Behavioral
What are the 4 types of communication?
Assertive, passive, passive aggressive, aggressive
What is the buildup phase?
Physical cues, getting hyped up by others, feelings that underlie anger, hostile thoughts and self talk, fantasies
What are coping skills?
Something that helps calm you down/manage your anger
T or F
Anger automatically leads to aggression
there are more constructive and assertive ways to express your anger
What is the anger ice berg?
Ice berg that represents the other emotions that drive feelings of anger
What are examples of non verbal communication?
Body language, facial expressions, gestures
What is the explosion phase?
verbal aggression, destructiveness, violence, disrespect
Name one way anger can affect relationships with friends or family?
Increase problems, drive people away
T or F
I can’t help myself. Anger isn’t something you can control.
You can’t always control the situation you’re in or how it makes you feel, but you can control how you express your anger
What is an example of a physical cue?
Heart racing, sweating, feeling hot
What are "i" statments
Help you tell others how youre feeling
What is the aftermath phase?
consequences to your actions, how you feel after
When does anger become a problem?
When it is felt too often, expressed poorly (others get hurt), affects other parts of your life
T or F
Venting anger is always desirable
People who vent their anger aggressively simply got better at being angry. Reinforces angry behavior
What is an example of an emotional cue?
Feeling disrespected, guilty, hurt, sad
What is active listening?
paying full attention, understanding, and responding to the other person
What do we blame others for feeling angry?
avoidance, denial, defense strategy
Constructive and Destructive
T or F
Anger, aggression, and intimidation help me earn respect and get what I want.
Respect doesn’t come from bullying others. People may be afraid of you, but they won’t respect you if you can’t control yourself or handle opposing viewpoints.
What is an example of a cognitive cue?
racing thoughts, thoughts in response to the situation/feelings of anger
Why is empathy important for anger management?
understand each others feelings, de escalate conflict and better communication skills and problem solving skills