What is anger?
An emotion that we experience when someone does something that we do not like. This is an emotion that is very common and powerful. Although it is common, it is bad if we do not handle it in an appropiate manner.
What type of communication escalates anger?
What are two tips for conflict resolution?
Various answers: assertiveness, active listening, etc.
Name one coping skill.
Various answers
Is it ok to express anger?
Yes! Appropriately.
What is a trigger?
An internal or external cue
What are the four types of communication?
Assertive, Passive, Passive-aggression, Aggressive
When trying to resolve a conflict with another person, how can you communicate that you are hearing what they say?
Active listening, summarizing, asking questions, etc.
Demonstrate a deep breathing technique for the class
What are other emotions that may be underlying anger? Name three.
What is deescalation?
Actions to reduce conflict or emotional intensity.
Whose needs are met with passive aggressive communication?
No one's needs are met
How can you keep yourself from escalating in a conflict?
Time out, breathing skills, expressing your emotions, etc.
What is visualizing?
What is thinking about positive things or thinking about things that make you happy (place, vacation, person, etc.)
Identify a situation where it is justified to feel and express anger.
What is the nervous system's response to threat (hint three Fs)?
Fight, Flight, Freeze
What is an appropriate assertive response? And whose needs are met?
various answers, both
What is called when two people advocate for what they want and meet in the middle for a resolution that suits both?
Negotiation or compromise
What is the concept of the Anger Iceberg?
Anger is the emotion that feels easier to express, but can hide underlying emotions.
What is validation?
Acknowledging someone else's feelings as valid, whether you agree or not.
Please provide a correct I-statement
I feel (emotion) when (action) because
What are three steps from the problem solving method?
Recognize a problem exists
define the problem
Brainstorm solutions
implement solutions
evaluate solutions
What is cognitive restructuring?
Changing how you think about a situation that makes you angry.
Why is anger a helpful emotion?
Anger is a signal, letting us know that something needs our attention.