Anger Management
Anger Management Communication
Anger Management / Facts
I'm a little "Dysfunctional"

According to psychologist T.W. Smith, anger is

"an unpleasant emotion ranging in intensity from irritation or annoyance to fury or rage."


Anger energizes us to take proper actions, solve problems, and handle situations constructively.

What is True


Name some strategies to interrupt the anger cycle

  • Yell "Stop!" loudly in your thoughts. This can interrupt the anger cycle.
  • Use physical relaxation techniques like deep breathing or centering.
  • Count to 20 before you respond.
  • Manage your negative thoughts with imagery and positive thinking

How many strategies can be used to control anger when you experience it.

What is 12


How can you Distract yourself from your anger?

Open discussion-

  • visit your favorite website, play a song that you like, daydream about a hobby that you enjoy, or take a walk.

 A behavior that is intended to cause harm to another person or damage property.  This behavior can include verbal abuse, threats, or violent acts.

 What is Aggression?


Uncontrolled anger leads to many positive consequences, especially in SAIOP.

What is False. 


The most common thing one can do when he becomes angry is-----, -----. This gives you time to calm down as you are doing this.

What is pause or count to 20?


Anger emotions can be hidden. When people try to determine the underlying reasons for their anger or triggers, they can use the ---- ------

Anger iceberg


All of us experience anger from time to time. --- -- ---- and a commonly experienced emotion.

It's a normal,


What is a  "hostility log"?

A strategy for improving emotional awareness is by recording relevant events and what triggered the anger. Any warning signs about their anger, how they responded, and the outcome of the event.


An ANGER MANAGEMENT PLAN is to try many different strategies and find the anger control techniques that work best for you.

What is TRUE. 


"I seem to get angry unexpectedly, without really understanding why"

What is unhealthy anger management 


Intensity of Anger is a choice. 

What is True. 

Recognizing it has a choice, we can decide to accept the intensity by first acknowledging it and be willing to change.


Anger is a FEELING we choose as a result of our emotion(s). 

Open discussion-After I've been angry, I think about what I could or should have done to control my anger better.


Anger also clouds our ability to ---- ---- ---- and find ----- ----- -- -------. 

make good decisions and find creative solutions to problems


See the Humor in Your Anger by learning to laugh at yourself and do not take everything seriously 

What is true


. When I encounter a problem, I identify the "right" solution myself and get it implemented as fast as possible.

What is healthy anger management


Every day, we can experience things that could make us angry. Common causes include feelings of:


  • Frustration.
  • Hurt.
  • Harassment.
  • Injustice, regardless of whether real or perceived.


Our circumstances, age, culture, gender, personality, ______, and past all affect how we respond when angry.  

What is family? 


Mark Twain said, Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the ----- ------ -- -- -----than to anything on which it is poured.

vessel in which it is stored  


If you learn to calm down, you'll realize that there is no real need to get upset, and you'll have more angry episodes

What is False


Explain this anger management style: When I'm angry, I tend to focus on my feelings and how I've been wronged.

Open discussion- Christina and Finise answers were interesting


One study found that people who get angry regularly are more likely to suffer from----- ----- -----

What is coronary heart disease, anxiety and depression. 



The interactions we have had with our environment have strongly influenced our ______, _______, _______ as adults.

Behaviors, Feelings, and Anger management skills?
