Handling Anger
Calming Down
Solve It/Change It

An emotion that we experience when someone does something that we do not like. Often this emotion is not handled in the appropriate manner. 



Not everyone gets angry

False! Everyone gets angry. It is important that one handles it in an appropriate manner.


It is okay to express our anger

True! This should always be done in an appropriate manner. Discuss ways.


True or False: It is acceptable to express your anger. 

True. Expressing your anger is acceptable but the actions and behaviors done to express your anger is what draws the line between acceptable and unacceptable. 


True or False. Our feelings are important because they help us deal with situations we encounter daily.

TRUE! Our feelings are made to be felt, explored, understood and released in a healthy manner.


Give one possible solution to this problem:

You are supposed to go somewhere fun with your friend but it's raining outside and now you can't go

Make plans with your friend for another day

Do something inside


When someone holds back their actions. When we become angry; we should exercise______. 



Anger is a bad emotion 

FALSE! It is one's actions and behaviors that one engages when angry that make it "negative" not the emotion itself. 


The most common thing one can do when you become angry is_____. This gives you time to calm down as you are doing this. Hint: It is best if you go backwards. 

Counting backwards (counting to ten)


True or False. Ripping up paper or punching a pillow is an appropriate way to handle anger.



True or False. Can a person be angry and happy at the same time?

TRUE! This is called Ambivalence: "having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel: I felt very ambivalent about leaving home". 


Name one possible solution to this problem:

You are working on a project and you do not understand what you need to do

Ask for help

Reread the directions

Skip it and come back


This is something that a person has when he/she has a fit of temper. Babies are known for having these. It is unacceptable for kids who are not babies to react to their anger with these. These are called ?

Tantrum / Temper Tantrum


People as individuals can make you mad. For instance: "My brother makes me mad." 

False; It is not the individual, but rather what the individual does that makes you angry; there are things that the individual does that you dislike, that you disagree with, or that get you upset. 


You can also ________when you are angry. 

Hint: it is a coping skill.

What is engage in positive self-talk. Doing so helps you calm down and deters you from making bad choices because of your anger.


What is visualizing/guided imagery? This can be used to help you calm down.

What is thinking about positive things or thinking about things that make you happy (vacation, person, etc.)


What are the 5 core emotions? 

Anger / Joy / Sadness / Disgust / Fear 

Name two possible solutions to this problem:

You and your friend can't decide on what game to play and you start to get upset

Play something else besides a game; play the game your friend wants to play, then play the game you want after


To release your emotions, release your frustrations, release your worries...You may do this by talking to a counselor, parent, teacher, friend or even writing it in a journal. Doing this helps a person avoid making unhealthy choices related to anger. 



The way we express anger is inherited. For example: "I inherited my anger from my father; that’s just the way I am.” 

FALSE. The way you behave when angry is learned behavior; hence, you can learn to express anger in healthier ways with continued practice. 


Give two unhealthy ways of coping with anger. 

repressing our anger / transferring our anger onto others / development of apathy 


Give two appropriate ways of coping with anger.

deep breathing / reflection / taking space / venting / exercise / positive self-talk / relaxation (meditation) / guided imagery / etc.) 


If someone hurts my feelings or does something to make me upset, I should.....

Talk to them about it using "I" statments. Ex. I feel that you were trying to hurt me...


Change this thought to a more helpful thought using the words "I will"

"I cant' calm down, I am too upset"

I will be able to calm down next time if I use my coping skills


To feel defeated. If a person is doing something or experiencing something and he feels like he wants to give up, it is because he/she has become______. Often times this leads to anger.



Anger is the same as aggression. 

FALSE ; While anger is a feeling/emotion, aggression is the behavior or action taken that is hostile, destructive and/or violent 


Choosing to handle our anger in an unhealthy way like throwing, yelling profanities, slamming doors, hitting someone, etc are all poor choices. When we choose to make these choices, we have _____. 



Sometimes people use anger to hide other feelings and emotions. What are these feelings? Name two.

various answers (sadness, shame, guilt, disgust, etc.)


It is normal for someone to be angry. True or False

True. A HEALTHY expression of anger allows others to know how we feel and helps to resolve conflicts or problems. We all experience anger.


List an unhelpful thought you had and change it to a more helpful thought

Example of a helpful thought


A clue that your body uses to let you know that your anger is growing

Anger warning sign


All coping skills are helpful

False: some coping skills can be helpful, and some can cause us to become more upset


What is something that you can do to distract yourself when you are angry?

Use the 5 senses (see, hear, smell, taste, touch); imagine something relaxing


Name two coping skills that helps you the most when you are starting to get upset

Any two coping skills


Identify two signs of anger you may feel in your body

Body shaking, voice raising, face getting hot, tense muscles, crying, heaving breathing, etc.


Practice the whole STOP, THINK, and GO model with this situation:

You are playing a hard game with a friend and you think that they said something rude about you, and you start to get upset.

STOP: and calm down

THINK: of a plan

GO: problem solve wisely
