A natural response/emotion to those situations where we feel threatened, we believe harm will come to us, or we believe that another person has unnecessarily wronged us.
What is Anger?
Name 3 primary emotions which can be the cause of our anger.
(What is) Disrespect, embarrassment, shame, regret, sadness, etc.
All stress is bad and unhealthy
Also known as eustress, this type of stress can help you feel excited and motivated. It can challenge you to learn and accomplish new things. Some degree of stress can be healthy for us!
Anger/stress initializes the body's...
What is "heart rate", body temperature, blood pressure, tightness in chest
There are no apparent payoffs to anger.
False! "Apparent" payoffs include: Power, dominance, control, feeling a weight off of your chest etc
A BEHAVIOR that is intended to cause harm to another person or damage property. This BEHAVIOR/ACTION can include verbal abuse, threats, or violent acts.
What is Aggression?
Name one of the methods of cognitive restructuring?
What is "ABCD Method or Thought Stopping"
Physical, Behavioral, Verbal, and Cognitive are the 4 cues to Anger.
Physical, Behavioral, EMOTIONAL, and Cognitive are the 4 cues to anger.
A zero on the Anger Meter indicates you are in a total state of _______.
What is "Calm"?
Telling yourself "I don't look good in orange" is a cognitive cue
False this is a thought stopping statement
Unhelpful behavior/thoughts/feelings that interfere with an individual's activities of daily living or ability to adjust to and participate in particular settings.
What is Maladaptive?
The basic message of "My feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are important, and your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are equally important."
What is Assertiveness?
Anger is a secondary emotion
This is the highest level of anger intensity, often characterized by a complete loss of self-control and the potential for gaining...
What are negative consequences/explosion phase
Anger management strategy which involves leaving a situation that causes the escalation of anger OR putting a stop to the discussion that is provoking it.
What is a "Timeout"?
_______ serve as warning signs that you're angry and that your anger is escalating.
What are Cues?
People who are __________ may often feel that others are trying to control them or are on a "power trip."
What is "Passive"?
There are 3 phases where anger leads to aggression. True or false bonus points if you can name them!
Buildup, Explosion, and Aftermath
The leading cause of mental health instability is linked to...
What is trauma/childhood trauma?
Our circumstances, age, culture, gender, personality, and ______, all effect how we respond when angry.
What is "Family/Childhood"?
As we become angry, we often engage in an internal dialogue, called _____-_____.
What is Self-Talk?
The basic message of, "Your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are important, but MY feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are unimportant and inconsequential."
What is "Passivity"/ being passive?
Assertive, Aggressive, and Passive responses are LEARNED behaviors
Strategies that can help manage strong emotions or traumatic memories, and reconnect with the present moment...
What is "Grounding techniques" and/or "Coping skills"?
The interactions we have had with our parents have strongly influenced our ______, _______, _______ as adults.
What are "Behaviors, Feelings, and Attitudes"/"Thoughts, feelings and behaviors"?