Name one anger management skill.
Talk through feelings
Take a break
Deep breathing
Thinking of consequences
Visualization (Imagine something relaxing)
What is Anger?
A feeling or emotion that ranges from mild Irritation to intense fury and rage
True of False: The way you express anger cannot be changed
False. Behaviors are learned and you can learn to calm down more quickly with practice. But facial expressions and our nervous systems response when we become angry are inherited.
Give an example of an anger trigger.
Common ones include being insulted, having personal space violated, being ignored, being lied to, etc.
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
What is aggression?
A behavior that is intended to cause harm or injury to another person or damage to property.
True or False. Venting anger is always desirable.
False. Venting anger in an aggressive manner reinforces aggressive behavior.
What is a trigger?
Something that creates an emotional or behavioral response.
If you multiply this number by any other number, the answer will always be the same. What number is this?
True or False. Learning the signs of anger early can help you change the situation before you get too angry.
What is Hostility?
Set of attitudes and judgments that motivated aggressive behaviors.
True or False: Anger does not have any secondary emotions.
False: Anger may also appear when we are disappointed, sad, tired, and many other emotions.
How soon should you recognize triggers of anger?
As early as possible. This give us the best chance of using a coping skill.
Every night I’m told what to do, and each morning I do what i’m told. But I still don’t escape your scold. What am I?
An alarm clock
What 2 coping skills can you use when your teacher makes you angry?
You could use visualization to calm down, go to the restroom to take a break, or take deep breaths.
What are coping skills?
Strategies that help people deal with difficult situations and mental health challenges.
True of False: Anger automatically leads to aggression.
True or False. People may not realize something is a trigger.
What has many rings but no fingers?
A phone
Name two benefits of exercising to calm anger.
Releases chemicals from the brain that promote relaxation.
Distracts you from anger.
Releases muscles tension from the body in a healthy way.
What is the difference between Payoffs and consequences of anger?
Payoffs: Apparent short positive feelings (releasing tension, controlling people)
Consequence: negative and long term (arrest, end of relationships)
True of False. You must be aggressive to get what you want.
False. Assertiveness is to express feelings of anger in a way that is respectful of other people.
Give an example of three anger triggers.
Common ones include being threatened, receiving unfair treatment, being yelled at, etc.
What is always in front of you, but can’t be seen?
The future