True/ False
Anger may be fueled by different emotions at different times, or by a combination of emotions. Sometimes, however, anger is just anger.
What is a coping skill?
A coping skill is a technique or strategy that helps individuals manage stress, deal with difficult emotions, and navigate difficult situations.
You spend all summer doing school work.
Give my self breaks throughout summer to do the things that I want to do.
What is this?
A stimulus that elicits a reaction.
When is the next leap year?
True/ False
Anger is a problem when it negatively affects others.
Provide an example o a coping skill?
Breathing and many more.
What would you do?
A friend keeps interrupting you when you speak?
Set boundaries.
When someone goes silent on you, and you’re left scratching your head, wondering why they went silent, was it something you said or did, or something they found out about you. You can be left in a spiral of doubt and confusion. What trigger is this?
Being Ghosted
Who was the 16th president?
What was he well known for?
Abraham Lincoln
The emancipation proclamation that freed the slaves.
True/ False
Expressing anger always leads to negative outcomes?
While expressing anger inappropriately can lead to negative outcomes, expressing it assertively and constructively can lead to positive resolutions.
What coping skill is this?
Exhaling to a count of four, holding your lungs empty for a four-count, inhaling at the same pace, and holding air in your lungs for a count of four before exhaling and beginning the pattern anew.
Box breathing
What would you do and what coping skill would be utilized?
Parent/ Guardian is telling you to do the dishes every 5 minutes until you get them done?
Tell them that you will get to it when you are finished with what ever you were doing.
In a relationship where the other person makes choices for you or is too clingy and smothering over you to a degree where it feels stifling and difficult to be yourself.
Feeling Utterly Alone
What is this years Chinese zodiac?
True/ False
Avoiding situations that trigger anger is a long-term solution to anger management?
It may help temporarily, long-term solutions are learning how to cope with triggers and manage your anger.
What practice is this?
Awareness of one's internal states and surroundings
What would you do?
A friend has told you that another friend is talking behind your back.
Set boundaries and communicate your feelings.
What are some of your triggers?
(If you want to share)
No wrong answers
What is the subtitle of J.P.R Tolkien’s “ the Hobbit”?
There and back again
True/ False
Anger Management is about suppressing and ignoring anger?
It is about understanding and managing it.
What coping skill would you use?
Someone decided to take your spot at lunch. How would you cope in this situation.
Anything is possible
What would you do?
You found out that you did not get into your dream school and that you failed a grade.
What can trigger anger when someone feels like they can’t control their own decisions.
Feeling constrained and restricted.
What element chemical symbol is Pb?
You guys use this every day!!!!!!!