Coping Skills
All About Anger
Handling Anger
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Categories of coping skills

What is distancing oneself, problem-solving, relaxation techniques, distracting oneself, and physical activity.


An emotion that can make people yell, hit, or throw things.

What is anger.


If we choose to throw tantrums, say mean things, or hurt someone when we feel angry then we face _______.

What is consequences. 


The people you trust that you can turn to when you feel angry.

What is parents, siblings, cousins, friends, counselors, etc.


Relaxation coping skills

What is blowing bubbles, meditating, brushing hair, etc. 


True or False. It is okay to feel anger.

What is true. Anger is a natural emotion that everyone feels. It is used to tell us there is something we don't like. 


When someone makes you feel angry because they are annoying, what is an appropriate way to handle this?

What is distancing oneself, doing a different activity, using the calming box, burning angry energy (dancing, running, playing sports), etc. 


True or False. It is NOT alright to talk to someone when you are angry.

What is false. It is healthy to vent to someone when you are feeling angry, BUT it is not okay to take your anger out on them. 


Activities you can do to distract yourself.

What is painting, solving puzzles, listening to music, watching something fun, playing outside, etc. 


True or False. It is NOT okay to express anger.

What is false. It is okay to express anger in an APPROPRIATE way. Discuss ways to appropriately express anger. 


When a teacher is being unfair and it makes you angry, what is an appropriate way to handle this situation?

What is using breathing techniques, telling an adult you trust, venting to someone you trust, etc.

True or False. It is okay to tell the people you trust when you are going through a tough time. 

What is true. The people in your life that care for you will want you to come to them when you are struggling. Whether that be with anger or other problems that come up.


Activities you can do to burn angry energy.

What is dancing to music, playing a sport, running with pets, etc. 


Inappropriate ways to express anger.

What is throwing a tantrum, yelling at someone, hurting someone, saying mean things, throwing things, etc.


When you are doing something but nothing is going right and you start to get angry, what is an appropriate way to handle this situation? 

What is doing another activity, relaxation skills, or asking someone you trust for help, burning angry energy by moving around, etc.


Who are the people in your life you want to be a role model for?

(All answers correct)

The purpose of the calming box.

What is teaching someone to use a variety of coping skills to calm down.


Anger can be used to cover up other emotions. What emotions are they?

What is sadness, hurt, guilt, shame, disappointment, etc. 


When people aren't listening to you and it makes you feel hurt and angry, what is an appropriate way to handle this situation?

What is relaxation skills, doing another activity, talking to someone you trust, etc.


True or False. It is okay to rely on those we trust when we struggle to control tough emotions.

What is true. It is okay to talk to someone you trust about struggling with tough emotions. Talking it out can help us feel better. It is also okay to ask someone to help catch us when we are losing control.
