What do we measure angles in?
Complementary angles add up to?
90 degrees
How many degrees in a triangle?
180 degrees
How many degrees are found within a hexagonal polygon?
360 degrees
What days do we have lessons?
Tuesday (Block 3), Wednesday (Block 1 & 2) and Friday (Block 5 & 6)
What is the name given to an angle between 0 degrees and 90 degrees?
Acute angle
Supplementary angles add up to?
180 degrees
How many degrees in a full revolution?
360 degrees
What is a polygon?
Closed figure shape, only has straight lines for sides and does not cross itself
How many assessments do we have left for the year in Mathematics?
Three (Investigation, Test and Exam)
What is the name given to an angle between 90 degrees and 180 degrees?
Obtuse angle
Vertically opposite angles are?
What rule can be identified with an "F" shape?
What is a regular polygon?
All sides the same length and angles are the same
Who is the Head of Mathematics at Cabra Dominican College?
Mr Heath
What is the name given to an angle between 180 degrees and 360 degrees?
Reflex angle
Parallel lines are lines that ...
Are a fixed distance a part and never meet
What rule can be identified through the "z" shape?
Alternate angles
What are two examples of regular polygons?
Equilateral triangles, square, regular pentagon, regular hexagon
How many weeks are in Term 4?
What is an angle made up of?
Calculate the complementary angle to 33 degrees and the supplementary angle to 26.5 degrees?
Complementary angle: 57 degrees
Supplementary angle: 153.5 degrees
Explain the two ways we can identify co-interior angles
They are supplementary which means they are equal to 180 degrees
Name four polygons
Square, rectangle (quadrilateral), triangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, heptagon, nonagon, decagon, dodecagon,
What were the two assessments for Essential Maths in Term 3?
Whole Numbers Test and Rate of Change Investigation