Types of Ocean Habitats
Intertidal, Mangroves, Estuaries, Kelp Forests, Seagrass Meadows, Coral Reefs, Oyster Reefs, Tidewater Glaciers, Salt Marshes, Open Ocean (any 4)
Peacock feathers
males use their long, beautiful tail feathers to attract a mate
Bird Migration
Flocks of birds fly south in the winter to find more food and to stay warm until returning in the spring.
Polar Bear Fur
Used to keep warm in polar region where it lives and to camouflage the animal on the snow and ice.
Duck and penguin feet
Webbed feet are used to swim
Desert animals
living underground, coming out at night (nocturnal)
Buffalo cowbirds nesting behavior
Brood parasite, they lay eggs in the nests of other bird species to be raised
Baby Sea Turtles
Use light and sense magnetic field to find ocean after they hatch
Blowfish spines and use of air
Uses these to protect themselves from being eaten by predators, making the animal look 3x larger that original size and puffing out spines to deter predators.
Animals that have claws for digging
moles, naked mole rat, aardvark, armadillo, mole crickets, etc.
Four types of forests?
Tropical, Temperate, Boreal, and Plantation
Kangaroo Pouch
Used to carry Joey offspring while they grow and drink their mother's milk, adapted for the climate of Australian desert.
Octopus Defenses
Octopus have an ink sac that they secrete when feeling threatened, it is used as a distraction while the octopus swims away.
Tiger's striped fur
A type of camouflage
Hooves in mammals
Adapted feet used to maneuver rocky environments and protect the feet.
Ways animals make a home
animals dig homes in the ground, find shells to use, birds use resources around habitat to make nests, animals make homes in trees (animals have specialized bodies to make homes in their environment)
Plant seeds
Ways seeds travel in wind, water, and on or in animals to be planted in other environments. Plants can produce seeds that have prolonged dormancy, the seeds are viable until environmental conditions allow it to grow and thrive.
Wood Frogs in Winter
These animals survive winter by hibernating underwater and are dormant until spring. They breathe through their moist skin and can carry oxygen from the water to their lungs when hibernating.
Scales of Anaconda Snake
Protects this species from their aquatic environment
Beak of Macaw Parrot
Used specifically to open large nuts to eat the pulp inside.
Adaptations of Plants in evironments
Seed types (drop seeds for animals to eat, wind to carry, and water to carry for reproduction of plant), movement of plants to go to sunlight (phototropism), chemicals used to define territory they grown in, plants grown on one another and are parasites of other plants (Spanish Moss)
Mourning Gecko Clones
This animal reproduces by itself (parthenogenesis) and all the offspring are identical to their mother and born without a father.
Ocean animal behaviors
Living in groups (schools of fish, pods of whale), using sounds to hunt and communicate (whales songs, dolphins echolocation, crab larvae to find suitable area for metamorphosis).
Fennec Fox ears
Large ears are used to radiate body heat and keep this animal cool in the desert environment.
North American River Otter whiskers
Uses these underwater to feel through narrow passageways and to sense prey.