This adaptation protects birds and helps them to fly.
Name one example of a body covering.
Fur, scales, feathers
A body part or behavior that helps an animal meet its needs in its environment.
What is an example of an adaptation that the porcupine fish uses to scare away predators?
Bird bones are filled with ___.
air pockets
Scientists observing finches in the Galapagos Islands inferred that this body part was an adaptation to the kinds of foods finches eat.
This body covering covers most mammals and keeps them warm.
An animal’s color pattern that helps it blend in with its surroundings.
What adaptation does an owl have to help it spot its prey at night.
What is an example of mimicry?
A viceroy butterfly looks very similar to a monarch butterfly, which birds do not eat.
This adaptation helps birds to fly by keeping them light.
Hollow bones
This body covering protects fish from disease and predators.
An adaptation in which an animal looks very much like another animal
How might an animal's color be an adaptation that helps it meet its needs?
Possible Answer: Camouflage (An example might be a snowshoe hare's fur changing from brown in the summer to white in the winter.)
A finch with a sharp, pointed beak would most likely eat ____.
A meat-eating bird, like an osprey or hawk, has ___ that have adapted for catching prey.
sharp claws or talons
What type of body covering do reptiles have and what does it do to help them survive?
Scales. They are used for protection and to prevent water loss. Snakes have smooth scales that help them to move.
Everything that surrounds and affects an animal.
A bird with a thick, heavy beak would most likely eat ___.
How are camouflage and mimicry alike?
They both help an animal to survive by protecting them from predators.
What unique adaptations do ostriches have, since they do not fly?
Adaptations for running: long legs and two-toed feet
How has the polar bear adapted to stay warm in its environment?
What does it mean to infer something?
To reach a conclusion based on evidence and observations.
An adaptation can be a physical body part, or a ____.
How are camouflage and mimicry different?
Camouflage helps an animal blend in to its surroundings. Mimicry is when an animal looks like a different animal.