The nucleolus is found within this organelle.
What is the nucleus.
This organelle allows plants to use energy from the sun to make food.
What is the chloroplast.
___________ are the building blocks for life.
What are cells.
This goo-like fluid is found in both plant and animal cells.
What is cytoplasm.
This organelle contains a cell's genetic material.
What is the nucleus.
What is photosynthesis.
This organelle controls what comes in and out of the nucleus.
What is the nuclear membrane.
This organelle exports secretion vesicles.
What is the golgi body.
This organelle is the powerhouse of the cell.
What is the mitochondria.
Both plant and animal cells have this organelle that can be both rough and smooth.
What is the endoplasmic reticulum.
In plant cells, this organelle is large and acts as a water-storage vessel.
What is the vacuole.
Animal cells have an outer membrane that is _______, while plant cells have rigid edges.
What is flexible.
This organelle produces fats, also known as lipids.
What is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
True or False: Cells can spontaneously generate.
What is false.
This organelle modifies the proteins made by ribosomes.
What is the golgi body.
This structure is found only in plant cells.
What is the cell wall.
This part of the cell is responsible for energy production.
What is the mitochondria.
An animal's body generates _________ cells every day.
a) hundreds
b) thousands
c) millions
d) billions
What are millions.
This controls the function of a cell.
What is DNA.
This fibrous organelle strengthens and maintains the shape of cells.
What is the cytoskeleton.
This organelle contains chlorophyll which gives plants their green color.
This organelle contains digestive enzymes that break down large molecules and can even kill the cell.
What are lysosomes.
A group of cells is called a ________.
What is a tissue.
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum breaks down _____.
What are toxins.