The Fru gene in fruit flies controls how a male courts a female. This proves that behavior is influenced by not just the environment but also?
If a Squirrel becomes used to humans over time in a park, what form of learning has taken place?
Describe a monogamous relationship
where on female mates with one male
A ___________________ is an area, usually fixed in location, that one or more individuals defend and from which other members of the same species are usually excluded.
answers vary
Behavior that is under strong genetic control and is performed in virtuallyu the same way by all individual sof a species is called
innae behavior
When a baby is first born, they must attach to the breast of the mother within a certain time period. What is this time period called and what form of learning has taken place?
sensitive period - imprinting
A male sage grouse popping his loud air sacs would describe what?
a courthsip ritual
Name an example of a dominance heriarchy.
answers vary
Who won the oscar this year for best movie?
Proximate Causes
Animals will move between two regions within certain time periods. The gray whale will move from the western atlantic ocean to the eastern atlantic ocean. What does this describe?
Read the following:
Large seeds: time to locate [5 minutes], amount of energy [15 kcal]
Medium seeds: time to locate [5 minutes], amount of energy [20 kcal]
Small seeds: time to locate [10 minutes], amount of energy [15 kcal]
Which food source would be best for a bird to obtain? This proves what theory?
Medium seeds
Optimal Foraging Model/Theory
What type of behavior does two rattle snakes wrestling describe?
Young geese follow and imprint on their mother. On average, geese that follow and imprint on their mother receive more care and learning necessary skills, and thus have a greater chance of surviving than those that do not follow their mother. What does this describe in relation to the behavior?
Ultimate Cause
spatial learning
A female mating with multiple males would be what type of reproductive relationship?
What was Jane Goodall's main discovery about chimps?
ability to use tools
Cillian Murphy plays a 1900s mob boss in Birmingham, England in which streaming series?
Peaky Blinders
Describe the Fixed Action Pattern of the Greylag Goose
Male salmon swimming upstream to obtain the food sources traveling downstream describes what?
positive taxis
The mechanism that enables an animal to find particular foods efficiently is called a ______________.
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name the three types of altruism
kin selection
reciprocal altruism
obligate altruism
The classic 1877 novel "Black Beauty" is about what kind of animal?