चार पाळीव प्राणी सांगा
कुत्रा मांजर घोडा गाय
Calf is young cow वासरू
चार जंगली ( Wild ) प्राणी सांगा
वाघ Tiger, Bear अस्वल
Elephant हत्ती , गेंडा Rhinoceros
Special body parts of Elephant
Teeth - Tusk , Trunk
Big Ears for African Elephants
This young one is called
Name any 4 Birds
Sparrow , Parrot , Duck , Pigeon
चिमणी , पोपट , बदक , कबुतर
Name four Farm animals
गाय Cow बैल Bull
डुक्कर Pig मेंढी Sheep शेळी Goat
Name four wild animals शिकार करतात
which hunt for food
Tiger , Lion , Bear, Leopard
These Body parts help Duck /aquatic birds -
Webbed feet to swim
Oily/waterproof feathers to keep dry
special beak helps to catch fishes in water
Name this common body feature & its use
Stripes on Tiger & Zebra
Help to camouflage / blend in
Name 4 Different Body parts
Wings - help to fly पंख
Tail शेपूट / feathers पिसं - Navigate , cover the body
Beak चोच- modified mouth
Claws नखं - to hold branch / pick up food / defend
Three ways animals help humans
प्राणी मदत करतात (तीन)
Cow & Buffalo give milk
Bullock / Horse /Camel haul cart
Hens / Ducks give eggs / meat
Pig /Goat meat is used as meal
Name four aquatic animals
Crocodile मगर, पाणगेंडा Hippo
कासव Turtle, देवमासा Whale
Name different types of Insects and different /unique body parts
, (डास ) Mosquito They have special mouth to bite us / feed
Fly/ Honeybee माशी / मधमाशी Ant - मुंगी have special sensory organ to follow smell
Cockroach (झुरळ) pair of antenna to sense vibrations
Name this animal and special body part
use their long tail to hang/ jump from one tree to another
Name any 3 Special Birds
Peacock National bird of India
Eagle National bird of USA
Ostrich - big / fastest running
हे काय खातात ?
गाय कोंबडी मांजर
Cow eats hay चारा
Hens eats grain धान्य
Cat likes milk दूध
Name four Grass eating wild animals
Elephant , Giraffe, Deer , Zebra
Giraffe can eat leaves with long neck
Cow / buffalo has compartments in stomach so can eat fast then chew slowly
Kuala eats only Bamboo leaves
Name animals with
Sharp claws / horns
Claws - Tiger / Lion - for Hunting
Bear - to hold trees / hunting
Horn - Rhino for attack / Defend
Cow / Sheep / Buffalo
Deer with Antlers
has horn used to attack/ defend
Name any 3 Aquatic Birds
Duck Crain Flamingo