Come on, you should already know this one:
What is a Tiger?
Look out below! These red birdies look pretty freakish without all their feathers:
What is a Cardinal?
Sometimes they can be quadrupedal, but these common ancestors mostly prefer to walk on two feet:
What are Chimpanzees?
If Punxsutawney Phil (one of these ground animals) sees his shadow, six more months of winter is in store for us:
What is a Groundhog?
Ahoy matey! Here be the clue that houses the largest living animal on the planet ya hear?
What is a Blue Whale?
This terrible king of the dinosaurs can be pictured here, in skeleton form of course:
What is a Tyrannosaurus Rex?
Not exactly looking like the rodent in its name, but he's still adorable!:
What is a Squirrel Monkey?
Not necessarily above you, but they're probably taller than you:
What are Flamingos?
Hakuna Matata! Alongside the humble warthog, these small African animals are featured as Timon and Pumba in "The Lion King":
What are Meerkats?
If you dig enough, a passerby might tell you to go eat a handful of these guys. You'll probably find quite a few during your excavation too:
What are Earthworms?
Spongebob! Mr. Squidward! Your boss is calling, he's one of these crustaceans:
What is a Crab?
If you like silent letters, you'll certainly be a fan of this ancient birdie!:
What is a Pterodactyl?
Get your racing stripes on, these horses have come to win! Wait a second - that's not a horse! It's the fastest land animal on Earth:
What is a Cheetah?
Not all animals above your heads are birds! These fuzzy little guys can be found chilling in eucalyptus trees:
What are Koalas?
Take a trip to the loopy side with this bodacious birdie:
What are Toucans?
This whimsical rodent with an even more whimsical appearance was recently discovered in 2008. They're also called "Tinker Bell" in respects to their name:
What is a Pink Fairy Armadillo?
If you look into a tide pool, you might find starfish, oysters, and these small fish that are known for their males harboring the babies:
What are Seahorses?
Good things come in threes, like friends, lovers, and horns in the case of this classic dinosaur:
What is a Triceratops?
Among the world's two venomous reptiles are the Mexican Beaded Lizard, and the animal pictured here:
What is a Gila Monster?
It's about time for a bug clue! These high flying insects are also referred to as Kingsmen due to their species name:
What are Monarch Butterflies?
G'day mate! These marsupials pack quite the punch, they even beat Mike Tyson in a boxing match:
What are Kangaroos?
Ash Ketchum knows these little guys fairly well. They can even conduct electricity and zap other predators in the real world just like in Pokemon!:
The myth of the Kraken was said to come to fruition when a Japanese sailor saw one of these massive cephalopods:
What is a Colossal Squid?
Not a hulking dino, but an extinct ancestor of the modern day caracal and other big cats is pictured here:
What is a Saber-Toothed Tiger?
Made famous from a Madagascar movie, these big weasels are fittingly enough; located in Madagascar in the real world:
What is a Fossa?
In Aztec mythology, these colorful birds were used as inspiration for the name of the god Quetzalcoatl:
What are Quetzals?
Penguins are often compared to royalty, especially these ones! Their name is shared with the title of people like Charlemagne and Genghis Khan:
What are Emperor Penguins?
This animal's schnozz doesn't exactly live up to its name, but it's freaky nonetheless!
What is a Star-Nosed Mole?
These small floating mollusks reproduce by turning their insides out and latching onto each other. They're also bioluminescent:
What are Sea Angels?
One of the only herbivores to combat a T.Rex, their massive clubs can be seen here:
What is an Ankylosaurus?