A place where plants and or animals live and grow
What is a Habitat?
Birds have this growing right out of their skin
What are feathers
An animal that eats both plants and animals
What is an Omnivore?
This means the stages of life through which a living thing goes from birth to death
What is a Life Cycle
An animal that eats only plants
What is an animal that only eats plants?
Reptiles have this kind of skin.
What is scaley?
Animals that do not have a backbone
What are Invertebrates?
An animal that can live on land and water
What is an Amphibian?
Having a body temperature that changes with the temperature of the environment
What is cold-blooded?
Most of these are covered in scales.
What are fish?
An animal that only eats meat
What is a carnivore?
What is warm-blooded, covered in feathers, lay hard-shelled eggs.
What are birds?
Amphibians' skin looks scaly, but it is really these three things
What is camouflage, slippery, and slimey
These are covered in wet, permeable skin.
What are Amphibians?
Reptiles scales are almost completely this...
What is waterproof
Name 2 of the characteristics of reptiles
What are they are cold-blooded
covered in dry scaly skin
breathe air with lungs
lay soft bumpy eggs
These animals have backbones
What are animals that have backbones?
Covered in an exoskeleton
What is an insect?
3 animals that breathe air with lungs
Mammals, Birds, Reptiles and adult Amphibians