Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Combo of Chapters

What does Squealer say about "Beasts Of England?" 

It may no longer be sung because it applied only to the Rebellion, and now there is no more need for rebellion. He gives them a new song to sing.


Who blows up the windmill?

Mr. Frederick and his men


Who is now injured?

Boxer- though he continues to work and looks forward to his retirement 


Animals on Animal Farm will no longer address one another as what

Comrades (or pay tribute to Old Major at all, or salute a flag with a horn and hoof upon it) 


All animals receive reduced rations except for who

The pigs and the dogs 


What do the animals say Snowball is doing?

That he been visiting the farm at night, in secret, and sabotaging the animals’ efforts.


Following a slew of propaganda against Mr. Frederick  Napoleon adopts the saying 

"Death to Frederick!"


Moses, the raven returns to the farm and begins spreading stories about what?

Sugarcandy Mountain 


What do the sheep begin to chant

 “Four legs good, two legs better!”


At the end of the book, the animals can no longer distinguish what? 

they can no longer distinguish which of the cardplayers are pigs and which are human beings.


What are the animals trying to hide from the nearby human farmers?

They are running short on food


What did the animals find in the farmhouse basement

crates of alcohol 


What is delivered at the farm at the end of this chapter?

A crate of alcohol 


What is the windmill used for now?

Milling corn- a more profitable endeavor 


What cheers up the animals after Mr. Fredrick and his men destroy the windmill and attack the animals? 

A patriotic flag-raising ceremony 


What does Napoleon do in the yard?

he forces certain animals to confess to their participation in a conspiracy with Snowball and then has the dogs kill them.


The commandment reading “No animal shall kill any other animal” now reads what?

“No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.”


Where was Boxer sent too?

A glue factory (where he was killed) even though he was the hardest working animal on the farm 


Of the 7 commandments only one remains written on the wall- what does it now say? 

Only the last commandment remains: “all animals are equal.” However, it now carries an addition: “but some animals are more equal than others.”


How many eggs does Napoleon say must be sold a week?

400 eggs a week- one of Old Major’s original complaints about humans focused on the cruelty of egg selling. The hens rebel, and Napoleon responds by cutting their rations entirely. Nine hens die before the others give in to Napoleon’s demands. 


What do Napoleon and Squealer try to convince the animals about Snowball?

That he is working with Mr. Jones and has been since the start. They convince the animals that Snowball’s apparent bravery during the battle was part of his plot 


When the commandments keep changing what do the animals blame it on?

Their memories are wrong- they are remembering things incorrectly 


Squealer provides statistics proving what?

even with this “readjustment,"(the pigs and dogs not getting reduced rations) the rations exceed those that they received under Mr. Jones


Why does napoleon say they are now calling the farm Manor Farm again

 he believes, its the “correct and original name.”


Mr. Pilkington praises Napoleon in ch 10 because he found out a way to do what? 

That the pigs have found ways to make Animal Farm’s animals work harder and on less food than any other group of farm animals in the county.
