True or False: Octopuses have three hearts.
What is true?
Octopuses do have 3 hearts! They also have 9 brains!
This counts for 99% of a Panda’s diet.
What is Bamboo!
This animal can sleep while standing on one leg.
What is a Flamingo!
This animal cannot move their eyeballs.
What is an Owl!
That’s because owls don’t have eyeballs at all. Instead, their eyes are shaped like tubes and they move their neck instead.
This person has swam with sharks before.
What is Mochi!
True or False: Elephants are the only mammals that can’t jump.
What is false?
While it’s true that elephants can’t jump, neither can sloths, hippos, or rhinos!
This bird has a beak longer than their body to feed on flowers.
What is a Hummingbird!
This animal rolls into a ball to protect themselves.
What is an armadillo!
This animal has the most powerful bite in the world.
What is the Hippopotamus!
This person was once chased by a mama turkey after stumbling upon its fuzzy turkey babies.
What is Ferb!
True or False: There is a type of Jellyfish that live forever
What is true?
There’s a type of jellyfish, fondly called the Immortal Jellyfish, that can constantly regenerate its cells - living forever!
This reptile eats stones to help with their digestion.
What is a Crocodile!
This animal slides around on their bellies because of their poor balance.
What is a Penguin!
This animal has the thickest fur of any mammal.
What is Sea Otters!
This person had a raccoon steal their orange tic tacs.
What is Nemo!
True or False: Goats have rectangular pupils.
What is true!
Goats have rectangular pupils which allows them to see 280 degrees around their bodies.
How long does it take a sloth to digest its food.
What is ~2 weeks!
This country is the only country that Lemurs are native to.
What is Madagascar!
This animal's age can be determined by its nose?
What is a lion!
A lion's nose changes color throughout its life.
This person was once finger painting some farm animals, specifically a goat, when a donkey that was also being painted, ran away, leaped over a fence and kicked them in the face, breaking their glasses.
What is Bubbles!
True story.
True or False: Bulls are enraged by the color red.
What is False!
Bulls only see blues and yellow. They react to the movement of the red cape.
This land mammal drinks the most water?
What is the Cow!
A single cow used for her milk on an industrial feed lot can consume up to 100 gallons of water a day during hot summer months, and that adds up.
This animal is known for its powerful punch (60 mph)? Hint: They live in the sea.
What is the Mantis Shrimp!
This animal has fingerprints indistinguishable from humans.
What is a Koala!
This person recently found out they have bats in their house. The other day one of the bats was flying around inside and their cat swatted the bat out of the air.
What is Coaster!