Vertebrates have a backbones, invertebrates do not
What is the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates?
Reptiles and fish
Which vertebrates are cold-blooded?
Which vertebrate is covered in scales?
shark, bass
group of vertebrates that are fish
Eggs on land
How do Reptiles reproduce?
What vertebrate is the only one to feed their own milk to their baby?
eagle, chicken
vertebrates that is an example of birds
Dry, scaly skin
An example of a vertibrate
fish are warm blooded or cold blooded?
cold blooded
jellyfish, lobsters, crabs, insects
invertebrate examples
Frog and toad
Which vertebrates are an example of amphibians?
Shark and goldfish
Which group of vertebrates is an example of fish?
mammals physical quality
vertebrate that is covered with hair or fur
Vertebrate that has live birth
Birds, reptiles, amphibian
Which vertebrate(s) hatches from eggs only?
A vertebrate that only breathes with gills
Vertebrate that breathes with gills when they are born, but with their lungs when they grow and devolep later
birds and mammals
Which vertebrates are warm-blooded