Where do dolphins live?
The Ocean
What is a behavioural adaptation?
When an animal has specific behaviour that helps it survive
What habitat does this animal live in?
Name three animals that live in the forest
Squirrel, chipmunk, bear, rabbit, bird, wolf, etc.
How do Chameleons help protect themselves from predators?
They camouflage
Name 2 adaptations (physical or behavioural) that this animal has?
Trunk to drink water, large ears to hear and fan themselves, stomping the ground to bring water to the surface, etc.
This habitat is very cold, snowy and has very few plants
Arctic or Tundra
Give an example of an adaptation
Polar bears have thick fur to keep them warm
Turtles have shells to protect them from predators
What habitat is this?
An animal that is DOMESTICATED lives where?
In a house
What animal regurgitates (throws up) the undigestible bones of its prey in a pellet form?
An Owl
What animal is this? How do you know?
Name 6 different habitats
Forest, Rainforest, Ocean, Freshwater, Arctic/Tundra, Desert, Urban, Farm, Grassland
How does this animal change in the winter?
Fur changes colour, fur gets thicker